Does Ayusismo rhyme with absolutism?

The mandate of the popular in Madrid is exhausted. And not because the stage of Ayuso and Almeida is going to expire, but because the president and the mayor finalize their respective “legislatures” without an absolute majority to undertake them, from now on, from absolutism.

It makes sense to mention the noun or the concept not because the victory of the PP on 28-M is debatable or illegitimate, but because the authoritarian whims of Díaz Ayuso predispose four years of ideological, political and providentialist roller. The mega-president will not have counterweights. Nor will Almeida find obstacles once the co-government of Ciudadanos is extinguished.

The advantage of an absolute majority consists in the irrelevance of Vox. And in the gregarious role that Rocío Monasterio (Community) and Ortega Smith (Town Hall) have acquired. The good results of the ultra-right in the regional and municipal elections further emphasize the subaltern position of the costaleros of Abascal. Ayuso has silenced them. And not only for having exiled them to the opposition banks, but because she herself has subscribed to Vox's tremendous-obscurantist discourse regarding abortion, euthanasia, the trans law, jingoism…. and anti-sanchismo.

Ayuso has been the great antagonist of the President of the Government. And the great beneficiary of a polarization whose political results demonstrate the great error of Moncloa. Ayuso grows as much as Sánchez sinks.

Thus, the uncertainty that the eventual fall of the socialist leader entails is better understood. Ayuso has lived very well against Sánchez. And it has used the Madrid opposition to cover up the errors of its regional management. And to stimulate a populist and Caesarist model that has already shown signs of concern. Beginning with the conversion of Telemadrid into a reconstructed media platform tailored to the regional president.

Ayusismo and absolutism. The correlation of one concept and the other can make its way naturally in the absence of counterpowers and a heterogeneous and fragmented opposition.. The president and the mayor are going to have a free hand to approve the budgets and conceive other nuclear initiatives without resistance, but it would be convenient for both of them to be aware of the danger that abusing an absolute majority would imply.

They are obliged to govern for all the people of Madrid. And to moderate themselves the extraordinary force that has been granted to them at the polls, although moderation does not fit too much into the political nature of Ayuso nor can the sobriety of power be trusted now that it has been clothed with plenipotentiary powers and that sanchismo is dying.

Díaz Ayuso is part of the biggest obstacles that Pedro Sánchez has known. And he is going to miss him at the Puerta del Sol headquarters, in such a way that the pathological relationship now requires the search for a new antagonism, for a dissuasive political space. And it could be about Núñez Feijóo himself if it weren't for the hypothetical arrival of the Galician colleague at the top of power postponing or postponing the Moncloven expectations of the super president

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