Errejón's role in Sumar: among Yolanda Díaz's unconditional fans and surrounded by unknowns

The vice president and leader of the party has just reinforced him, entrusting him with drafting the political document that will establish the objectives of the party.. Marta Lois, parliamentary spokesperson, personal friend and figure of maximum confidence for Díaz, will work with him..

Different sources from his political space have been betting for weeks on Errejón taking over from Lois, in the event that she changes her mind and wants to run as a candidate in the Galician elections, which today are going to be difficult due to the break with Podemos in Madrid. and the difficult union for the appointment with the polls. There are others who suggest that the premature political divorce with the purple ones paves the way for him to monopolize more spotlights. And then there are those who maintain that Errejón, whose worth they recognize throughout the space, is waiting for his moment to claim more weight.

Be it organically, with the construction of Sumar (Más País has already approved diluting itself into Sumar in several territories), as well as in what has to do with the institutional and its public exhibition.. Without ceasing to have presence, but without burning. And always close to Díaz.

Those around the former Podemos leader assure that he is dedicating himself to what he has “always” done: political-ideological work, serving as political spokesperson for Sumar and the tasks that he will soon have to face as a member of the Constitutional Commission of the Chamber. Baja, where he was spokesperson in the previous legislature. It intervenes in the discursive part, in the short and medium term strategy, and has an important but limited role in the media.. He also played a prominent role in the general campaign. But they understand that there will be no changes in their status immediately..

It was he who responded on behalf of his people to the president, Pedro Sánchez, that it is necessary to maintain taxes on the banking sector and energy companies, this Thursday. Who had also disfigured the criticized appointment of Miguel Ángel Oliver, former Secretary of State for Communication, as the new president of the EFE Agency.

As with Lois or Ernest Urtasun, both officially considered spokespersons (of Congress and the party, respectively), their public and media interventions are more than calculated and valued, whether or not they have a label or position beyond the institutional one.. And now, also in the game.

It is this lack of labels that confuses different agents in the space, who point out that the tension in his relationship with Mónica García and Más Madrid explains why he does not have more spotlights today.. “More Madrid is their space and it is up to them to decide what role they play in the puzzle of matches,” their ranks abound..

He intervenes in the media at least one day a week – a scheme very similar to the one adopted in the campaign -, he is active on Twitter and from there he also acts as spokesperson for his party.. For a part of the space, he is the figure with the most dialectical, pedagogical and political capacity, and it does not make much sense that he does not gain more weight. Given that Podemos tends to assimilate him with Díaz, before this scheme could be understood. Today it even baffles parties like the PSOE, which do not understand that it does not have more space on the front line..

On Monday, asked about Errejón's role, the new Minister of Culture and party spokesperson was full of praise: “He is going to have a very important role”; is “very involved” in the deployment of the project, “just as happened in the electoral campaign”; “contributes a lot”. At Sumar, they are aware of the unknowns posed by the future of Errejón. Even in the official responses they praise his political and parliamentary experience, his “ability for analysis” and his role in developing a campaign “in useful politics, away from the noise.”. “It is an important voice in space,” they abound, without going any further..

However, in the description that other figures in his space make of him, they already outline where they consider him to have greater value: “He is a good thinking head, he has intuition and the ability to synthesize.”. It is a good support in terms of story or communication,” they add.. It is precisely this “support” work, with valued stellar interventions – it is expected that he will soon return to the speaker's rostrum of Congress – that generates greater suspicions among the internal.

Urtasun himself focused his “very important” role “on the executive”, as well as on the “design of the assembly”. Today, they already have the three deputy spokespersons whom they can name, and there are no indications that Díaz is going to alter the balance of forces that once angered Podemos and Izquierda Unida.. It is precisely the purple ones who had the least appreciation for him, but they were also the ones who participated the least in the life of the group.. And today they are out.

Officially, in Sumar they do not clarify when the deputy who a year ago received the Emilio Castelar Award for the best speaker of the Chambers, awarded by the Association of Parliamentary Journalists, will have more weight on the platform.. Today he has gained weight internally, remains in Díaz's orbit and leaves his mark on the positions and speeches of his people.. Meanwhile, in his political space it is assumed that he will end up taking on a greater role.

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