Feijóo accuses Sánchez of "invading" State institutions: "He cannot continue for 4 more years"

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has completed his second day of electoral campaign with an evening meal in Logroño. With the first bars of the race towards 28-M marked by the candidacies of Bildu with exetarras in certain Basque towns, the PP leader has continued to influence the alliances of Pedro Sánchez and the abertzale party.
One more piece of an “unacceptable institutional deterioration” that the leader of the PP has promised to amend, if he reaches Moncloa, from “serenity” and “rigor”.
“They have invaded all State institutions: the State Attorney General's Office, the CNI, the Council of State, the Constitutional Court…. and we don't talk about the CIS”, the opposition leader has listed some of the institutions, in his opinion, most eroded. A political wear that unites the economic one: the leader of the PP puts Sánchez's rate of daily indebtedness at 200 million.
[Feijóo replies to the president: “The indecent thing is that you, Sánchez, agree and govern with Bildu”]
Although Bildu has been the side most hit by Feijóo, taking over the cool part of his speech, the popular president has also described a socialist leader who, far from being an electoral asset for his party, subtracts from the municipal and regional candidacies of the PSOE with its presence at the rallies.
“There are few socialist barons left who continue to be sanchistas,” he assured. “Very few barons and very few mayors want to take photos with Sánchez,” insisted Feijóo, who has promised not to use the Falcon “ever” to hold a rally in favor of the PP in the event of reaching the Executive.
Feijóo, in the presence of the party's general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, mayor of the city between 2011 and 2019, and the former presidents of La Rioja Pedro Sanz and José Ignacio Ceniceros, has vindicated the legacy of the PP in the region and has harangued the vote for its game. “There is no town in La Rioja that does not have the seal of the Popular Party.”