Feijóo asks for the vote of the Valencians against a PSOE that "is not repugnant" to govern with Bildu despite having terrorists on its lists

“I ask all the men and women of the Valencian Community not to vote for the PSOE, which is not averse to governing with Bildu, who has 44 terrorists on his lists, including the one who tried to assassinate the former mayor of Valencia, Rita Barbera”.
Within hours of the electoral campaign officially beginning, the popular leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo has come out to condemn that Bildu has presented up to 44 convicted of terrorism on his lists for 28M, seven of them for murder. Even more, that among these is the ETA member Sara Majarenas, number ten on the Bildu list for the Astigarraga Mayor's Office, who had among her objectives to kill Barberá. In any case, Genoa rejects, for the moment, proposing a change in the electoral law that prevents those convicted of murder from being able to present themselves as candidates for the elections even if they are serving a sentence.
Even more forceful has been the popular candidate for Mayor of Valencia, María José Catalá: “We know that Bildu -PSOE partners and compadres of Compromís- have on their lists the ETA member who tried to assassinate Rita Barberá: you have to be unfortunate! !”. Thus, Joan Ribó's adversary has challenged the PSOE in Valencia to publicly condemn the fact that Bildu has terrorists and seven people who murdered Spaniards on his lists.
“To the Spaniards and Valencians, the question they have to ask themselves in this campaign is if they want our city, country and community to depend on terrorists; if they want to support a PSOE submerged in Bildu and support Compromís, who compadre with who has terrorists on their lists”. Feijóo has also alluded to voters choosing “the illusion, which represents the PP” over “the fear, which personalizes the PSOE.”
In addition to questioning Sánchez's position for the candidates – who this Wednesday was silent in the face of the PP's accusations -, Feijóo has taken advantage of his visit to Valencia to also recall the alleged corruption of Ximo Puig to wrest the Valencian Community from Sánchez, since It is one of the most coveted electoral places.
“I regret that the Valencian Community is in all the newspapers because there is a family that has used public resources without publicity or competition for its own benefit,” he pointed out in relation to the alleged contracts that the president of the Generalitat Valenciana and candidate would have awarded. to revalidate it, Ximo Puig to his brother when he was mayor of Morella.