Feijóo borrows the useful vote to avoid governing "kidnapped by minorities"

The PP knows that the elections can be decided in each territory by “a handful of votes”. The polls are so even that Alberto Núñez Feijóo always repeats the same metaphor in private: that of the soccer ball that hits the post.. and can bounce into the goal or out. “Now the ball is entering slowly, but it has not finished entering yet,” say sources from the PP leadership to define the demoscopic moment of the party.
That is why the PP has focused on the moderate voters of the PSOE and on the entire bag of Ciudadanos supporters. Feijóo appealed to them this Wednesday at his rally in Palma. “If you want to choose directly from the polls without intermediaries, vote for the Popular Party and the president of the autonomous community will come directly from the polls,” he told the candidate of the Balearic PP, Marga Prohens, who just turns 41 today..
For Feijóo, both the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, and Pedro Sánchez can only offer “a sum of losers, because they have already recognized their defeat and because they know that their governments do not deserve victory.”
Before the almost 1,500 people who packed the Trui Teatre in the Balearic capital, Feijóo once again insisted on the appeal to the useful vote -the axis of his speech- and added that by voting for the PP this Sunday, Marga Prohens will be president “directly and without pacts” and without having to be “kidnapped by minorities”.
“I ask those who voted for the PP but also those of other parties to vote,” Feijóo added, in a very clear appeal to the voters of Ciudadanos. “If you want a stable government that does not depend on anything more than the citizens, vote for the PP”, he emphasized.
Prohens has followed the same line: “There is no safe vote, but there is no impossible vote either”. And he assured that many people are already telling him: “This time I lend you my vote”. “You are not aware of the strength that gives us that,” he added.
For Prohens, 28-M is a motion of censure in which “Sánchez yes or Sánchez no” is voted. That is why she concluded that “the change is already in the street.”