Feijóo calls on the PSOE barons to leave the party if Sánchez does not "break the pact with Bildu"

The PP does not hide. He wants to convert the municipal and regional elections of the next 28-M into a plebiscite on the continuity of the coalition government. Hence, the main idea of Alberto Núñez Feijóo this Friday in Toledo, at the first campaign rally, was that “those who vote the same as Sánchez are Sánchez and, therefore, deserve the same defeat as Sánchez.”
In the land of Emiliano García-Page, the most critical socialist baron with the decisions that are made in the direction of Ferraz, the president of the popular has asked “all Sánchez's candidates” in these elections a series of “easy questions “.
“Are you really going to continue accepting the pact with Bildu even if it has assassins? Does none of them have an iota of dignity left to tell Sánchez 'we have come this far, break that pact or we will leave the party'? Is this really Isn't it going to be what the leaders of the PSOE in Spain are going to say?
Alberto Núñez Feijóo, this Friday at an act of the PP in Toledo.
For Feijóo, “it is very sad that in May 2023” it can be “accepted normally” that more than 40 candidates from a party that supports the Government of our country “are members of the terrorist group ETA. And that seven of them were convicted of murder.”
What's more, this Friday he remarked that he is “disgusted”, like “the vast majority of PSOE voters”, that the abertzale formation “has murderers on its lists”. And he added: “It makes me shudder that the president says that this deserves respect, it saddens me and makes me unworthy that Sanchismo shuts up and ducks its ears in the face of this provocation.”
“Are we really not going to do anything? Are we going to look the other way? Is this normal after all we have suffered? Let's not accept this way of doing politics. This does not deserve any respect, it deserves all the blame!”, the PP leader insisted before some six hundred militants who applauded standing.
Once again, Feijóo has listed a list of reasons to “repeal sanchismo”. At the start of his harangue, he has once again cited issues such as yes is yes or Sánchez's electoral announcements at party events. In this regard, he has ironized the ministers of Podemos, whom he has advised “to go to Sánchez's rallies this weekend to find out what the next Council of Ministers will approve.”
[Feijóo starts the campaign linking the PSOE with Bildu, Sánchez exhibits management and agenda in Washington]
Regarding the trip of the President of the Government to Washington, where this Friday he will hold a bilateral meeting with Joe Biden, he has expressed his hopes that “it will serve for something more” than to “cover up domestic affairs with a photo”.. In this sense, he has assured that if his rival does well he will be happy “because it will be good for the Spanish”.
Although with this matter he has also introduced elements of censorship to Sánchez: “I am not happy that he has been the Spanish president who has taken the longest to be received at the White House, I am not happy that he goes without a specific agenda and known by the Spaniards or that he is not going to appear at a press conference”.
On more domestic matters, he has also had time to praise his party's candidate for the presidency of Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, of whom he has stressed that there is no citizen left “without speaking” with him. After dismissing the latest CIS survey, he has assured that the change in the region “is touched by hand.”