Feijóo claims "the height of State" of the PP in Barcelona and ignores his pacts with Vox: "We have broken the block policy of sanchismo"

Surrounded by a large part of his barons and amid shouts of president before taking the floor, the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has launched this Sunday what will be his candidacy for 23-J with two clear lines in the Retiro Park of Madrid with two clear lines: make the flag of the movement in Barcelona to make the socialist Jaume Collboni mayor and limit the pact between Junts and Esquerra and not make any mention of his party's pacts with Vox, whose initials he has not even mentioned during all his speech.
“I have no doubt that the Sanchista party would never have given us the support that we have given in Barcelona, but I don't care, we have fulfilled our duty and we have made a State policy because we are the party of the guarantee”, he has affirmed Feijóo, who has highlighted that his party has managed to “break the block policy of sanchismo” in the Barcelona and Vitoria City Council, as a “determinant” piece to get the pro-independence parties or Bildu out of both municipal governments. “The PP has been able to break once and for all the block policies that Sanchismo has tried to build in our country. We are going forward making a majority in Spain, this is what we have come for and this is our commitment, the trenches and blocks are over, the ditches are over”, Feijóo remarked, who has once again claimed “the height of State” of their formation.
A good day
“We have begun to break the blocks and that is very important, Spain walks together essentially despite those five years of Sanchismo,” said the national president of the PP, who has made Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE ugly that they have not grateful for the support in Barcelona to invest Collboni mayor. In fact, Feijóo has pointed out that the President of the Government and the Socialists “market in the Government of Navarra with Bildu and “they have given the Mayor's Office in the capital of Galicia to a sovereignist party”. “No more listening to the morals of those who cannot give them, of those who keep a person in office who has said that Bildu had saved more human lives than us when a good part of the pandemic the regional presidents were those of the PP and we worked with an inept government assuming its decisions and solving its problems”, he stressed.
To whom there have been no references in the speech of the national president of the PP is Vox, whose initials he has not even mentioned in his entire speech, only a plea in favor of defending against gender violence after the controversy with the number two of the radical right formation that described it as an “invention”. “That no one counts on me to be against sexist violence or not to defend national unity or not to make the objectives of workers and managers compatible or not to reap the quality of our democratic institutions every day”, he has previously had an impact to ask for a “firm” and “solid” majority at the national level so as not to have to depend on Abascal's party. Because, as he has detailed, only from “a sufficient majority” can the block policy be broken. “I have come to defend some principles, no matter how much my rival does not have them […] They do not respond to the trenches that others try to draw, fortunately we do not live facing each other on the street, or in the parks, or in our work or in our society”, has indicated the leader of the popular.
Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in the pre-campaign act of the PP. “Finish the job”
Feijóo has also presented the elections on July 23 as “four years of our lives won by the whole of the Spanish” instead of as “a day lost on vacation”. These elections are not just an extra expense, they are an opportunity to save us the most expensive government in democracy”, he added at the end of his speech, which was preceded by that of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso , who has stated that in these elections the popular must “finish the job” and give a “last push” for change in Moncloa. “In these elections [las del 28-M], as in those that now await us, not only the Economy has been voted, values have been voted and a way of defending our country has been voted, the silent Spain, the faithful Spain, the one that does not vociferate and that is tired of so many beautiful and sectarian laws, of so many botched jobs, of so many improvisations and of so much abandonment”, the regional leader stated.
The regional president has also delved into Feijóo's line on the political movement in Barcelona by pointing out that the PP “has been up to the task” to “change things in such a beloved city”.. “Because Barcelona is Spain”, Ayuso insisted, adding that the “nonsense of La Moncloa is not going to end until we kick out its highest representative”, in reference to Pedro Sánchez. “The question is not if there is going to be a change of cycle, but by how much Sánchez is going to lose the elections. He is not going to have a single chair left in Europe, which is what really worries him,” he concluded.
The person in charge of opening the act of launching Feijóo's candidacy has been the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, recently invested yesterday, who has pointed to “the 6.5 kilometers” that separate El Retiro, where the meeting was held, and the Palacio de La Moncloa as “the road” that both leaders will travel together. “Your infantry, the infantry of the PP and municipalism are going to give you back what you did for us and hold us responsible for your victory,” he concluded.