Despite the fact that on Saturday he invoked the possibility of an “Andalusian” majority of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo now warns that if there is no concentration of the vote, the right is in danger of not adding the majority. And if the right does not add up, Pedro Sánchez will not let him govern, even if he wins, says Feijóo.
“That is why we need to unite the vote, and the only ballot that guarantees a change in Spain is that of the PP, there is no other,” he insisted.. “My main problem at the moment is not the PSOE, it is that in the provinces where we are playing 3-1 we can really get three seats for the PP and one for the PSOE,” he stressed.
In other words, “concentrate the vote of all those who do not want Sánchez to continue on a PP ballot. That is a useful vote, that is change”, has finished off the argument.
For Feijóo, anything reaching 150 seats is “extraordinary”, and he does not resign himself to achieving even more.
On the other hand, Feijóo has recognized his “inaccuracy” about the revaluation of pensions: “There were years in which they were not updated according to the CPI and others in which they were updated above the CPI”.
“That's all: there was a party that froze pensions, the PSOE, and another that always revalued them, the Popular Party,” he added.. If he says “something that is not correct is not the result of a lie but of inaccuracy”
At this point, he added that he does not want “the lie” to be installed in Spanish politics and believes that when politicians make mistakes they must rectify. Which, in his opinion, Pedro Sánchez does not do. Not even José Félix Tezanos, has added. In fact, it has announced that it will audit the CIS.
After that, he has promised the revaluation according to the CPI “and guarantee the sustainability of pensions”, which is currently threatened by “many tensions” in the medium term. And the only solution, he said, is for the economy to grow and the number of Social Security contributors to increase.