Feijóo raises his referendum on Sánchez at the end of the campaign: "Between sanchismo or Spain, Spain"


“I come to ask for the vote of Spain tired of sanchismo. Not another minute!”. The closing of the campaign has served Alberto Núñez Feijóo to make his final statement on the “repeal of sanchismo”, which has been the main idea of his party in the face of 28-M. “Between sanchismo or Spain, Spain”, he harangued the 2,700 people who filled the Ifema Conference Center in Madrid this Friday.

The president of the PP has assumed the weight of the popular campaign in first person and has starred in fifty acts, traveling more than 20,000 kilometers. Everything to turn the regional and local elections into a plebiscite: Sánchez yes or Sánchez no.

And that idea has been accentuated more than ever in the final rally, together with José Luis Martínez-Almeida and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, from whom he has borrowed the formula of the binary choice in the form of a dilemma: “Between the lies or the word , the word. Between rapists and victims, victims. Between Bildu or dignity, dignity. Between the PSOE and democratic quality, democratic quality. Between sanchismo or Spain, Spain”, he summarized, recalling the analogous slogan of the 'popular' baroness (“communism or freedom”).

To know more
Elections in Madrid 2023. Ayuso intensifies his anti-Sánchez campaign in the presence of Feijóo: “He has exchanged ballots for slips”

Ayuso intensifies his anti-Sánchez campaign in the presence of Feijóo: “He has exchanged ballots for slips”

“The alternative is chaos,” Feijóo added, after saying that “the PSOE itself is involved” in the vote-buying scandals. After a very harsh criticism of Sánchez, he has asked the vote “of the Socialists who are ashamed of their party, which was a State party, now it is not because it governs with forces that want to destroy the State”.

He has not claimed “a blank check” from them, but an “opportunity” in the name of “good politics”. And he has also appealed to the useful vote of those who voted for Cs or Vox.

Finally, the president of the PP has highlighted in front of Ayuso – who has carried out the harshest speech against Sánchez of the entire popular campaign, accusing him of trying a “pucherazo” – that the candidates have carried out “the campaign that they have considered appropriate , with the messages they have estimated”. “We have recovered the best version of the PP”. “In the PP we speak freely because we are not a sect, we are a team,” he concluded.

Sánchez, this Friday, in Tarragona EFE

Shortly before, Pedro Sánchez has called to “vote en masse for the PSOE” to respond to “those who insult and disqualify” and who “want us to move away from the polls”. Far from assuming the responsibility of his party in the cases of vote buying that are marking the end of the campaign, Pedro Sánchez intends to turn the electoral fraud scandal around to mobilize his voters against the right that, he says, ” muddies” politics.

He has done it from Catalonia, the community that he has chosen to close the campaign. First with the act in Tarragona from which he has called for the mobilization of his electorate and this afternoon in Barcelona, with a final rally in which he has been flanked by the socialist candidate for Mayor. A Jaume Collboni who has reduced the investigated vote-buying cases to “specific” and who has considered the PSOE's reaction to opening a file and suspending those involved from militancy “exemplary”.

Specific cases”

Collboni has traced Sánchez's story when considering that the PP “runs the risk of harming democracy itself” by “dirtying” the campaign to its benefit by highlighting the corrupt practices of the socialists involved in the plot.

The end of the race towards 28-M has been decisively conditioned by the police operations against the buying of votes that have splashed the PSOE, above all, in Mojácar (Almería), but also in Murcia, with candidates involved and arrested.

Also in Andalusia, the main municipal stronghold of the Socialists, a judge yesterday asked the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) to investigate the number three of the Andalusian PSOE, Noel López, whom he considers an alleged inducer of the kidnapping of a councilor with the intention to silence a case of urban corruption.

Puig's contracts and Bildu's lists

All these events are added to the information, revealed by EL MUNDO, about the contracts granted by the Valencian president, Ximo Puig, to his brother, or the irregularities in the management of renewables in Aragon.

Likewise, the start of the campaign was monopolized by the inclusion in the lists of Bildu – Sánchez's preferred partner throughout the legislature – of ETA convicts, seven of them being terrorists with blood crimes.