Feijóo regrets that the independentistas "mark" the housing policy of Spain
The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, criticized this Friday that housing policy “is set by parties that do not want to be part of “Spain” and has warned that the new law will lead to a reduction in supply and, in Consequently, a rise in rental prices.
“It is surprising that the two pro-independence parties are interested in the housing policy of a nation they do not want to be part of”, stressing that Bildu and ERC “do not represent more than a very small percentage of Spain as a whole”, Feijóo said during the visit he has made to the facilities of the Viralgen biotechnology company in San Sebastián.
The president of the PP has indicated that the Government “needs its pro-independence partners to impose the housing policy”. In his opinion, “capping prices and intervening in the market” can generate a decrease in the rental offer and lead to an increase in rents at the end of the period because “owners in these conditions are not willing to rent them.”
The Housing Law agrees between tenants and landlords: “It is a farce” and prices will continue to rise
“A public rental housing policy is needed, especially for people with low incomes and for young people,” he indicated, reports Efe.
In this sense, it has advanced that the PP will present its proposal to “create employment by making housing” and to build housing at an appraised price and with an appraised rent “especially for lower-middle incomes and for youth”.
Ayuso will appeal to her if she attacks her powers
In line with what Feijóo expressed, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has criticized that it is “the political environment of ETA” that decides “what everyone's housing will be like.”
“The issue is first with whom you are agreeing. It seems surprising to me that Bildu is whitewashed until he has the ability to decide on the housing of all Spaniards,” Ayuso said, in statements to journalists.
The Madrid leader has reiterated that this regulation will be appealed in court by the Community of Madrid “whenever it attacks” the regional powers. For the regional president, “everything that involves intervention is going to lead Spain to the most absolute poverty.”
Asked if she will apply it, she has indicated that she will have to do “what corresponds” based on her powers, but she will not allow “the massive impoverishment of all of Spain.”
Ione Belarra, during an appearance at the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda. EFE Belarra: “It has been a team effort”
For her part, the leader of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has described as “historic” the agreement to approve the Housing Law, a regulation with which the citizenry wins and the banks, speculators and the real estate employer.
He has also expressed his satisfaction with this pact after three “long” years and “with many hours of negotiation” to give birth to the first state Housing Law, by proclaiming that he is not mistaken in stating that it has been the “most difficult” negotiation of all the mandate, also taking into account “how the legislature has been”, reports Europa Press.
This has been transferred to the media at a press conference at the headquarters of the Ministry, where he has also argued that this regulation will be key for the next electoral cycle, given that if they want to revalidate the confidence of the citizenry, another four progressive years is necessary “rule, rule and rule”. He has even said that it is the most important step of the legislature.
“Today the citizenry wins, Blackstone loses, the bank and the speculators who have been free to play with the lives of the people. The houses are for living and not speculating,” he asserted.
Regarding the fact that Bildu and ERC were the ones who reported the agreement at a press conference, Belarra has downplayed that situation because what is important is the law, its content and the agreement between forces to create it.
Asked about the role in this matter of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and that of Vice President Yolanda Díaz, and the fact that she has published a tweet in which she does not mention her contribution, the minister said that these are things that can interest “in court debates” and in the media.
For Yolanda Díaz, Spain is today “a slightly better country” after the agreement: “Today from the Government we promote for the first time a comprehensive law that allows us to advance in the right to housing. Protecting families, and especially all young people, is a reason for hope.”
The vice president thanked “all the people and organizations” for their “tireless struggle for years” to make the arrival of this law possible and, although she has recognized that “much remains to be done”, she has highlighted that, by virtue of this regulation and for the first time, the autonomous communities and town halls “will have a mechanism to set rental prices”.