Feijóo shows his cards in the political market

Plato wrote that man is the wisest of animals because he knows how to count. For the same, he expressly warned us that we should not confuse arithmetic with the calculation of merchants. And what else is politics, if not a market to which a party goes to buy or sell its electoral harvest by weight based on its own or others' appetite for power?
Allow me this digression in the constitutive day of the town halls after the polls in May. And, above all, with a view to the upcoming national political scene after the July 23 elections, depending on the parliamentary arithmetic that comes out of the polls. Refrain from morality dispensers who are scandalized because, to complete their own equations of power, the majorities make room for the minorities camped on the same side of the barricade. The extreme right, in the case of the PP. Enemies of the Constitution, in the case of the PSOE.
Those are the numbers, stupid, that the famous story would say for political scientists, clever, commentators and fine analysts. Like the waves on the Havana boardwalk, there break the admonitions of those who denounce that Feijóo assumes the ideological framework of Vox and of those who accuse Sánchez of sympathizing with the haters of the 1978 regime. But if it is in the light of democratic legality, not in light of our particular ideological positions or political preferences, I do not understand why one should be in a better condition than the other in a bloc politics like the one that conditions the fight for the power here and now.
This appeal to plot symmetry is the raincoat of the PP after its Valencian incarnation with Vox and before the municipal pacts announced for today's votes in numerous town halls. From Elche to Durango, passing through Valladolid, Burgos, Guadalajara, Ciudad Real, Toledo… These are the marked cards that the PP uncovers so that no one is deceived if the numbers of July 23 demand to clear the path of the ultra-right to power institutional. With the hope that the legal frameworks will normalize, as the presence of the enemies of the Kingdom of Spain in the central government has already normalized.. Because from Ferlosio to here the “red rooster” has faded and the “black rooster” is only dark gray.
Of course, let's recognize that Feijóo has carried out the “vaccine” operation (Vox in the system's bloodstream) under the effects of the disinhibition generated by an own goal from the PSOE. I am referring to the declarations of the Government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, about Bildu's contributions to the national cause (“He has done more for Spain and the Spaniards than the jingoists with their wristbands”).
So today the news is in Durango, where half of the political class of the Basque Country resides.. In the constitutive vote of the City Council, governed for the last four years by Bildu, there will only be six media outlets, of the 38 that have requested accreditation. The only councilor of the PP, Carlos García, is the decisive vote. Between the mayor of the PNV supported by the PSE or the mayor of Bildu with the support of his rope, the PP councilor (a hero has been born in Feijóo's narrative) will surely tip the balance towards the former.
For nothing? Well, in exchange for winning the game of hateful comparisons and giving yourself an additional shot of motivation inside and outside the Basque Country. If not, you will tell me what the presence in Durango of the alter ego of Díaz Ayuso, his chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, who at this time will be fighting in the mayor's office for a space in the plenary hall, is all about. Just for the pleasure of recognizing yourself in the headline that will be generated at mid-morning today: “The PP expels Bildu from one of the most populated cities in Vizcaya.”