Feijóo starts the campaign linking Sánchez with Bildu: "Neither his candidates nor he deserve the vote"

No doubt. Alberto Núñez Feijóo faces the municipal and regional elections of 28-M as a first round of the general elections for the month of December. This was evidenced this Thursday, at the start of the campaign in Badajoz, when he linked Pedro Sánchez with Bildu, who has 44 convicted of belonging to ETA on his lists in the Basque Country: “Neither he nor his candidates deserve the support of the Spaniards and that sanchismo continue in force”.
The leader of the PP made a special effort to remember that in places like Extremadura, where the socialist baron Guillermo Fernández Vara governs, “the newspaper library is full” of statements against the independence movement. For this reason, he called out to the thousands of citizens present: “Be consistent, read those newspaper archives and vote accordingly in Extremadura!”.
Although the President of the Government does not appear on any ballot in these elections, the PP seeks to accuse the entire PSOE of its pacts with a formation that goes to the polls with seven ETA members convicted of “blood crimes”. This, they maintain in Genoa, helps to prop up the transfer of votes from the socialist ranks.
[Tezanos pushes the PSOE campaign with his CIS: he says that Page, Lambán and Ximo Puig will continue to govern]
Feijóo addressed the socialist voters directly on the evening of this Thursday: “We need those who voted for the PSOE because they understood that it was a state party and now they see how their partners go against the state. Who has seen and who sees the Spanish PSOE, which never submitted to pro-independence approaches”.
To show that this matter can open a gap in the PSOE in those territories in which it governs, Javier Lambán's tweet. The president of Aragon and candidate for re-election demanded that Ferraz's leadership “break any relationship with a party that includes murderers on its lists”, just as Feijóo was trying to associate his leadership with that of Sánchez.
The president of the PP, before his party's candidate in Extremadura, María Guardiola, mentioned some particularly sensitive issues in the region, such as the train fiasco; but, above all, he insisted that the next municipal and regional elections are the beginning to “repeal sanchismo.”
Once again, he enumerated a list of government “excesses”: yes is yes, the “appropriation” of institutions such as “the Council of State, the CNI, the Attorney General's Office, the Constitutional Court and the CIS”; and other issues such as the reform of the crime of embezzlement to “benefit the corrupt”. He also asserted that the Socialists “have managed the economy very badly” in the last five years.
Although Feijóo considered that the most serious thing about “sanchismo” is that it relies “on a party that has 44 terrorists on its lists and seven convicted of blood crimes”. For this reason alone, he indicated, “no socialist in Extremadura could give support to the PSOE of Extremadura.”
Later, and shortly before concluding his speech, Feijóo enraged the entire militancy, who applauded and cheered on their feet, when he vehemently said that the Bildu electoral poster is “an insult to democracy, to the police, to the Civil Guard to the thousand victims of terrorism”. In short, “an insult to the dignity” of Spain.
With all this, he called for a change to put an end to “frivolity, populism, radicalism and independence” in politics. And he asked Spaniards to choose on 28-M “to return to serenity, rigor and honesty” by choosing the PP ballot.
With barely two weeks to go to the polls, the Popular Party intends to widen its electoral base from the left, but also from the center and from the right. Hence the clear appeals that Feijóo made to the useful vote.
Especially significant was the thanks to the host of this Thursday, the mayor of Badajoz, Ignacio Grajera, who was once a candidate of Ciudadanos to the consistory, for “uniting the entire center right” and paving the way towards “an absolute majority”. Or the veiled message to the voters of Vox, that party that said it “wanted to join with the PP” and came “to fragment the vote”.