Feijóo wants revenge against Sánchez in Galicia

We are saying goodbye to the 23rd year, very marked by politics. But I'm sorry to announce that the 24th will be no less so.. President Rueda announced the advance of the Galician elections and with them activates the Spanish electoral calendar. The result of the Galician elections will set the emotional tone of the next elections and will validate or not the national strategies of the parties.. These will be the most national autonomous regions in the entire history of the Galician community..
The Popular Party, led by Núñez Feijóo, is going to use its predicament and influence in its native community to take a bath in legitimacy. He wants revenge at home. For this reason, the Galician elections, which had always been an oasis in which the regional PP did and did things autonomously, were called and will be piloted from Génova Street.. In the national leadership of the PP, they seek an electoral victory that translates into an absolute majority that revalidates the Executive, and of all the upcoming elections, the safest is Galicia.
When Feijóo was the Galician leader, he wanted to celebrate Basques and Galicians at the same time, to avoid the national brand on the electoral posters, to equate himself with a historical community and to avoid the national leaders of the PP in Galicia, which he was already taking care of, so that they would go campaigning in Euskadi. However, now Feijóo is the national leader of the PP and seeks the opposite. The popular ones need to single out the election and center the entire national focus; Consequently, the first step was to separate itself from the Basque elections, in which the popular ones know that they cannot even aspire to third political force, and to carry out the most national Galician campaign in its history..
The advance is a strategic movement, which, in addition to the above, seeks to catch the opposition on the wrong foot, and has succeeded, in part. The BNG is the only party that presents the same candidate, Ana Pontón, who managed to beat the PSdG in the last elections and be the leader of the opposition. The most obvious sign that they were prepared for the advance is that, a few weeks ago, they already presented their campaign, which continues in the wake of the last one: positive tone, light nationalism and personalist commitment. The Galician nationalists intend to activate the useful vote for change, something that will be complicated if it finally becomes a national campaign in which PP and PSOE polarize the vote.
It is surprising that the PSdG has waited so long to relaunch its candidate, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro. And I use relaunch because Besteiro was already general secretary of his party, but his candidacy was frustrated when he had to resign due to a case of which he was later declared innocent.. The challenge of the Galician socialists is enormous. Their main objective is to be credible as an alternative to Rueda starting from third position. The PP strategy that nationalizes the campaign will help them; All the strength of Ferraz will be added to Besteiro, who will polarize with the PP, diluting the regional parties. However, Besteiro assumes the leadership of a party weakened by internal wars and the lack of its own narrative in Galician key, something that the BNG has been able to take advantage of..
It is also curious that Yolanda Díaz, being a national leader who constantly champions her Galician origin, has not planned a strategy for her native autonomy.. The worst story that a party can offer is the evident lack of foresight or interest in an election. Sumar, as of today, does not know if he is going to run in the four constituencies, if he will run in a coalition or who is going to lead the project.. All these variables do not lead to any positive scenario.. It is true that Díaz will devote himself to the campaign and that his national electoral asset is undoubted, but it is difficult to see a differentiated narrative from the rest of the left-wing parties and, above all, from his direct rivals: Podemos.
Podemos only has one objective in Galicia, to show that its votes (few or many) are essential for Sumar, imagine that Yolanda Díaz's party was left out of Parliament for votes similar to those obtained by Podemos. The purple party is aware that it has no options to obtain representation, but it will take advantage of the opportunity offered by a national campaign for Irene Montero to carry out her European pre-campaign.. Not even in the sweetest moments of Podemos did it have a very strong presence in Galicia; It was the tides who capitalized on the vote to the left of the PSOE. Now, more diminished than ever and with a civil war in their political space, these elections will be an opportunity to continue reaffirming their existence.
If Galicians expect Galicia to be talked about in their elections, I think they are going to be disappointed.. The PP will play with two candidates: Rueda and Feijóo, who will talk about how disastrous the amnesty is for Spain and how unfair the national budget distribution for Galicia. If Feijóo assured when he was a candidate: “I am not going to defend the acronym of a party, I am going to defend Galicia”, now Rueda will not have that option; because his predecessor will talk about Sánchez, the amnesty and the motion of censure with Bildu. It remains to be seen how the Galician voters will accept this change in registration, that their former president will sacrifice the debate about his community in favor of acronyms that he previously hid..
The rest of the parties will try to make an amendment to the entire management of a Rueda tied hand and foot by Feijóo. The popular candidate for the Galician regional elections will not have the capacity to carry out another project, because it would mean amending that of his political boss.. And it will only be able to strengthen the campaign proposed from Genoa. Only an absolute majority is enough for Rueda to revalidate the Government. If he obtains it, it will be due to the support of Génova and Feijóo; If he loses it, it will only be his fault, who in the best of times has not known how to maintain what he inherited from someone who could make his own strategies.. Feijóo wants revenge against Sánchez, in Galicia, at the expense of Rueda's autonomy.