The Popular Party steps on the accelerator in these seven “crucial” weeks until the elections. Aware of the dynamics of the polls and of the conception of the 28-M elections as a first round for the December general elections, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has called his people on Monday to redouble their efforts to dye the great majority of territories and the main mayoralties to “turn the page on the worst political period” in the history of our country.
The opposition leader already sees the next step by ballot box as “the first stage” to tip the next government to the right. In fact, it has set the maximum requirement to which the PP must aspire in May: to become the “first political force” at the national level.
This is how the president of the popular has expressed himself during his speech before the National Executive Committee, where he has asserted that he will become “co-responsible” for the results that his formation obtains in the regional and municipal elections. “I could hide behind you, but I am not going to launch others into fighting battles that correspond to me,” Feijóo admitted about how he will respond after the response from the polls in just over a month and a half.
Feijóo has said he is aware that his challenge, “to increase in votes” that translates into more town halls and regional governments, is “difficult”. In Genoa they even understand that the PSOE will do better in the regional and local elections than in the general ones due to pure “electoral logic”, since the figure of Pedro Sánchez is much more worn out than that of the territorial leaders. But this is not an obstacle for Feijóo. “We have come here to obtain results,” added the president of the PP.
Some results, he has emphasized, that he will assume “in the first person” as a step prior to the general campaign that is coming in the fall. “We have not won at the polls for seven years” in a national reading election, Feijóo recalled. A dynamic that has promised, before the leadership of the party, to reverse in the coming weeks by becoming the most voted formation on May 28.
The thermometer of the polls, in this return after Easter, shows a leadership of the PP at the national level that in Genoa seek to squeeze these weeks in a regional and local key. The survey published this Monday by EL MUNDO, which predicts a collapse of the left due to the division between Podemos and Sumar, places the Popular Party in 135 seats and above 30% in voting intention, almost ten points above what it achieved at the end of 2019.