Felipe VI, a valued brother linked to 137 brotherhoods

Historically, the Royal Family's Easter holidays have been limited to the private sphere. During the reign of Don Juan Carlos, the Easter mass in Palma on Easter Sunday was the only public moment in which everyone gathered to attend a Christian celebration. However, in the time of Felipe VI, faith has been reserved for the private sphere and this year, for the fourth consecutive year, there will be no apparition on Easter Sunday.. However, the King has an important role in numerous Spanish brotherhoods. Although in the nine years that have elapsed since the proclamation Don Felipe has only visited processions once -those in Seville in 2015, where he appeared alone- he is an honorary older brother of 137 brotherhoods, a title that makes him a sought-after brother, a luxury for those brotherhoods that enjoy being Royal thanks to His Majesty.

Don Felipe is the one who has the last word when it comes to making a decision about whether or not to belong to a specific brotherhood. But for the King to be consulted, there is a long process of months. In the first place, normally the Brotherhoods send a letter to the Palacio de la Zarzuela expressing their desire to name Felipe VI an honorary older brother.. From the King's office they answer -all the correspondence that arrives is answered- explaining the requirements and the documentation they need to assess the participation of Don Felipe. In the letter they also explain that in order for a brotherhood to receive the title of “royal” it must have links with a member of the Family.

The brotherhoods must briefly explain their origin, the social purpose in which they are constituted, the number of members.. also the history of the brotherhood. Many attach an explanation of the Holy Week of the region to which they belong. The brotherhoods, in addition to the explanation about the history of the brothers and the reason why they want to distinguish the King with an honorary title, the brotherhoods need to demonstrate that the proposal has the approval of the Archbishopric of the Autonomous Community to which they belong. Once all this documentation has been collected, and verified by the Zarzuela team, Don Felipe is consulted if he wants to accept the appointment. Always accept.

Having the King as an honorary older brother is a privilege that the brotherhoods boast about on their web pages.. Last year, the Monarch was named Major Slave of Honor of the Brotherhood of the Slavery of the Holy Christ of El Caloco of El Espinar and of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Battles, of Ávila. On January 10, the members of the Illustrious and Fervent Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Rocío, from Carrión de los Céspedes (Seville), received the credential certifying the appointment of King. There are also some brotherhoods that have named Doña Letizia Honorary Mayor Waitress. The first time she obtained this distinction was in 2014, when she was still Princess of Asturias.. And there have been several brotherhoods that have proposed the title to the Queen. A distinction that is lifelong.

When a brotherhood has this relationship with the Royal House, nothing changes in its Holy Week or in the organization of everything that the procession of the image they venerate entails, the most important moment for the brotherhood brothers.. But five years after the appointment of one of the members of the Royal Family as elder brother, the brotherhood can apply for the title of “royal”, which differentiates one from another.

The way of understanding his role as King makes it quite unlikely that Felipe VI participates in any procession, nor did his father, Juan Carlos I, during his reign, of whom there are no images in the newspaper archive with Nazarenes, unlike Don Felipe. Queen Sofia is the only member of the family who does attend processions as a spectator. She follows those of Palma, as she settles in Marivent on Friday of Dolores and remains on the island until Easter Sunday.

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