Felisuco resigns as president of Ciudadanos in Cantabria after poor electoral results


Félix Álvarez, known in his humorous career as “Felisuco”, has resigned as president of Ciudadanos in Cantabria after the failure of his party in the 28-M elections.

“The results are unquestionably bad” Álvarez acknowledged, after obtaining only 17 councilors in the entire region, 15 of them in the town of Astillero. In addition, Ciudadanos has lost its presence in the regional Parliament, as well as in the majority of municipalities in which it had representation..

“You have to take responsibility when things go well but, above all, if you're honest, when they go wrong. For this reason, to which must be added personal exhaustion, the need to stop, to reinvent myself”, he explained excitedly at the moment he was leaving his position after seven years in the party, although he has announced that he will continue to be a member.

Álvarez has pointed out that there is no name that sounds like to occupy his position, although for now it will be the organization secretary of Ciudadanos Cantabria, José Luis Martínez, who will assume it.

In addition, he has defended the decision taken by Ciudadanos not to attend the call for general elections on July 23 as an “intelligent” decision, because now he is “off the game board” and because they have become a “Sánchez yes, Sánchez no”, from which his party “must depart”.

“The best thing was to stop, try to rearm. I believe that the party began to suffer when the citizens saw us as useless to achieve the purposes that we set ourselves and I believe that one of the facts that can get us out of this is to return to being useful, I believe that what happened yesterday is an act of useful for Spain”, said Álvarez.