Gamarra accuses Sánchez of "selling" Spain: "If the amnesty is good, why does he remain silent?"

There is euphoria in the PP. The popular ones believe that the investiture session, although it is sterile and will culminate in a rejection of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has served to consolidate the “alternative” to Pedro Sánchez and to “seed” a “social leadership” with a view to the next general elections. With that optimistic spirit, Cuca Gamarra, parliamentary spokesperson for the Popular Party, has risen to the Congress rostrum.
After these two days of debate, Gamarra said, “the Spaniards will know that there is an alternative to the cowardice of those who do not even dare to debate.”. “Mr. Sánchez has managed to make his silence give him away, because he does not dare to show his face in this Chamber to recognize that what he is willing to do is sell out Spain in order to achieve a single and exclusive personal interest,” he added. the number two of the PP.
Feijóo has emphasized the same idea in his final argument: “He preferred to escape so as not to tell the truth” about the amnesty. For Gamarra, that is the key to the investiture: the deliberate omission of the debate on amnesty for the crimes of the process. “If the amnesty was good, why have you not included it in your electoral program? If it was convenient, why have you not told the Spanish people? Why have you remained silent?”, the spokesperson urged.
For Gamarra, the mere possibility of amnesty would be the first step towards “a constitutional mutation” in which we would go from an autonomous State to a plurinational one.. “And that would mean that you are hijacking the will of the nation, because Spain is an autonomous State, not a federal one,” emphasized the Riojan representative.
“In this Parliament there is no progressive majority, what there is is a secessionist minority” that is dragging, in his opinion, the PSOE to “put the rule of law on the back burner, because that is what they are doing”. “Your partners love you for your weakness, and right now you are even weaker,” Gamarra told Sánchez, who returned to his seat during the popular spokesperson's speech.