What is the situation of social housing in Spain?
Spain is one of the European Union countries with the lowest percentage of built social housing. It is in position number 18, with 2.5% of social housing with respect to the total number of constructions in the country in 2020.
What does the new Housing Law establish in this regard?
The latest version agreed by the Government and its parliamentary partners raises the land reserve percentages for subsidized housing from 30 to 40% in the su
urbanizable elo (actions of new urbanization) and from 10% to 20% in unconsolidated urban land (actions of reform or renovation of the urbanization).
How will the Government use Sareb's assets to mobilize housing?
As Moncloa sources explained yesterday, the Executive will offer municipalities and autonomous communities 21,000 homes and will promote the social rental of 14,000 already inhabited in that park. In addition, they will promote the construction of up to 15,000 public houses on land available from the Sociedad de Gestión de Activos Proceeding from Bank Restructuring.
How many assets does the so-called 'bad bank' keep?
According to the data available on its own website, Sareb has 46,542 homes, 14,202 works in progress and 24,619 land units. In the Community of Madrid, one of the most affected by the tension in the market, it has just 2,709 homes. In the province of Barcelona it maintains 6,997 houses and in others such as the Balearic Islands and Malaga, 447 and 602, respectively.