Pablo Iglesias maintains that the right is “couping a coup d'état from Madrid” aimed, among other things, at outlawing Bildu and destroying Unidas Podemos. “A very precise political strategy,” he says, led by the right wing of the capital and exported to the rest of the autonomous communities, “where the right is becoming Madrid.”
The former Vice President of the Government has participated this morning in a campaign event of Unidas Podemos in Palma, at the headquarters of the CCOO union. Iglesias has come to support the three local candidates of the formation of which he was general secretary and over which he continues to exert a palpable influence after his departure from the coalition government.
In a 20-minute speech in which he quoted himself reading an article of his published two years ago, Iglesias has barely addressed the social reality of the Balearic Islands, beyond citing the Islands as one of the territories where the purple formation had the best results. in the last elections. Although he has given it as an example of a Spain that, in his argument, is opposed to Madrid.
Fundamentally, he has focused his speech on alluding to what he identifies as “the Madrid mafia”, to which he attributes a plan to “cement an ultra-reactionary power” at the head of the State that would go through outlawing parties like Bildu or those that bring together the Catalan independence movement .
In his opinion, this Madrid model is the one that wants to be imposed on the rest of the regions. And, for this reason, he added, “it is so important to vote for United We Can in the next regional elections on 28-M”, because “Spain is not Madrid and the coup right-wing must be told that Spain is not that”.
“ETA is your excuse”
Iglesias accuses the PP and Vox of using ETA in this alleged strategy. “What's wrong with the right with ETA? You talk to them about housing policies and they tell you: 'ETA', you ask them what's happening with the privatization of healthcare and they tell you: 'ETA!', if you talk about corruption they say 'ETA, ETA, ETA'…everything is ETA”. Next, the founder of Podemos has asked himself rhetorically: “Are they crazy? Maybe they are not so crazy, they know exactly what they are doing.”
The politician, who has put forward that now his role is not to be at rallies but to dedicate himself to activism in the media, considers that the Madrid right wing discovered that the base of its power lies in the destruction of Podemos and that in the campaign it uses Bildu as “excuse”.
“The emergence of Podemos is a permanent reminder that Spain is not Madrid,” he added, “and forces the PSOE to do what it never wants to do on its own because the PSOE would have preferred to govern with C's, alone or reach agreements with the PP”. According to his speech, the PSOE “has no choice” but to govern with Podemos.
In his speech, Iglesias has attacked the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, saying that he has joined that Madrid “mafia” that “served Casado's head on a platter”. And, alluding to the Desokupa company, he has come to maintain that in Spain “it is returning to a time in which gangs of neo-Nazi squadrons will go after the poor and crush unionists when they are on strike.”
“Is Spain just Madrid?” Pablo Iglesias asked the attendees. “What does Feijóo look like? Perhaps he knows that Spain is not Madrid, but he has certainly verified that Spain has nothing to do with Galicia. This man has discovered that if Pablo Casado could be stabbed and his head delivered on a silver platter, the media, economic and mafioso powers of Madrid would do exactly the same with him.”
Madrid, he has censored, “is the enclave where no journalist dared to put a face on or ask a question to the businessman who received a bribe of more than half a million euros as a mask commissioner, while hundreds of elderly people were dying in the midst of a pandemic. He was the brother of President Ayuso and with the mafia, in Madrid, not everyone dares.”
Ione Belarra, in an act of Podemos in Zaragoza. AND. m.
The Secretary General of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, has once again referred to the brother of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in a campaign event of the 'morada' formation held in Zaragoza. “The PP, very offended, because we have put a canvas on Goya street reminding them of a PP tweet with a phrase by Pablo Casado who wondered (…) if it was decent to collect 300,000 euros of public money in the midst of the worst crisis health care in a century”, declared Belarra.
“They are very offended shouting 'harassment', harassment is what the fascists did to Pablo and Irene while they were at the door of their house for months, encouraged by the PP without anyone doing anything, a house where there were three small children” , he added, to finish off: “The only thing here is that the PP does not like to look in the mirror, they do not like to be reminded that they are corrupt and that every time they touch a euro of public money they give it to their friends or put it in their pocket.