2023 will be a year in which there will be many elections in the Spanish Autonomous Communities, and although in 2022 there were already some like the Andalusian elections, many other communities will hold them this year. However, there are also some of them that will not hold their respective elections.
Castilla y León, the Basque Country, Galicia and Catalonia will not have regional elections in 2023
This year 2023 will be intense as far as regional elections are concerned, but there are a total of five Autonomous Communities in which it will not be necessary to go to the polls, among which is Andalusia, which, as we have mentioned, was already held on last year, specifically in the month of June.
The other four communities that will not have elections this year are Castilla y León, the Basque Country, Galicia and Catalonia, which in their case have already held them or will hold them soon.
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In the case of the first one, Castilla y León, it held its last regional elections in February 2022, in which Alfonso Fernández Mañueco was re-elected as president, who was already victorious in 2019.. In the case of this community, their elections were initially set for 2023, but since they were brought forward to February 2022, they will not finally take place this year, and, as in Andalusia, they will not be held again until year 2026, unless again, they are brought forward again.
With regard to the Basque Country, it already held its regional elections in July 2020, which concluded with the victory of Iñigo Urkullu Renteria as lehendakari, so that the next elections will be held in 2024. The same is true of Galicia, which in 2020 elected Alberto Núñez Feijóo and, although he resigned in 2022 to be elected president of the Popular Party, he was replaced as president of the Xunta by Alfonso Rueda Valenzuela, who will be in office until year 2024, when the Galicians will return to the polls to cast their vote.
Finally, Catalonia is experiencing a situation similar to the previous ones, since in its case it held the regional elections in February 2021, with Pere Aragonés, from ERC, being elected president. For this reason, the next Catalan elections will not be held, except in advance, until 2025.
The Autonomous Communities in which there will be elections on May 28
Once the Autonomous Communities that will not have elections in 2023 are known, it is worth remembering the communities that do have the date of May 28 set for the celebration of their elections, which are the following:
- Madrid's community.
- Asturias.
- Aragon.
- Cantabria.
- Castilla la Mancha.
- Valencian Community.
- Estremadura.
- Navarre.
- The Rioja.
- Balearic Islands.
- Murcia region.
- Canary Islands.
How to request to vote by mail in municipal and regional elections
Those Spaniards who need it, will be able to resort to voting by mail, a method of early and postal voting that they can request until next May 18.
Since last April 4, you can request to vote by mail for the municipal and regional elections, after the official publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE) of the call for elections. It is necessary to know that once this form of voting has been chosen, it will not be possible to vote in person on election day.
The steps to follow to be able to vote by mail are the following:
- First of all, to request a vote by mail, it will be necessary to collect the application form, which has been available since April 4 at any Post Office.. The deadline for requesting this form ends on May 18, ten days before the elections take place.
- To complete the application form, it is necessary to indicate the postal address where you wish to receive all the electoral documentation, whether it is your personal address, place of work, etc.
- Once the form has been filled out, it will have to be sent through a Post Office, being necessary to present the National Identity Document (DNI), as happens when voting in a ballot box.
- The Electoral Census Office will send the corresponding documentation by certified mail up to 6 days before the elections (May 22).. The documents must be collected personally by the voter, and for this they must prove their identity. The voter will receive at the indicated address the different ballots and envelopes, the census registration certificate, an explanatory sheet of the entire process and also information about the polling station that corresponds to the person concerned.
- To exercise the right to vote, the envelope with the corresponding ballot must be sent to a Post Office. The deadline to do so is until May 24, that is, four days before the municipal and regional elections are held.
Finally, it must be remembered that, if you request to vote by mail and the application is accepted, you will not be able to vote in person at your polling station on election day, so once the decision of this modality has been made, vote, it is not possible to change your mind to do it in person.