Interior gives the go-ahead to the formation of Macarena Olona, Caminando Juntos: "There is a party"

Caminando Juntos, the party founded by Macarena Olona, is already registered in the Registry of Associations and as of this Thursday it officially appears in the database of the Ministry of the Interior. This has been confirmed by the State's own lawyer through a video broadcast on social networks: “There is a party! We continue walking and without shackles!”

“We made it”, they celebrate from Caminando Juntos. However, for the party to be able to run for the elections on June 23, it now needs to collect 21,700 signatures before June 16, corresponding to 0.1% of the census corresponding to the ten provinces for which it hopes to run: Madrid, Barcelona , Seville, Murcia, Alicante, Malaga, Cadiz, Las Palmas and Granada.

The number of signatures required could increase, since this Thursday from the formation the intention to expand the candidacies to new provinces has been announced.

The formation commanded by Olona has faced a series of “obstacles” in recent days that seriously risked meeting the tight deadlines that the electoral advance had generated in order to attend the elections on July 23.

This Wednesday, in fact, Olona delivered in extremis the necessary documentation in the Interior registry to correct the errors in form that the ministry detected and that prevented the party from being registered. The State lawyer threatened to sue the Interior for “prevarication”, understanding that other formations were given the go-ahead much sooner than hers, and even asked to “identify by name and surname” the official who had to process the file to “protect him from political pressure”.

The real challenge, once the administrative issue in the Interior has been overcome, is the collection of signatures for a value of 0.1% of the census corresponding to the constituencies to which it plans to attend. Olona's intention is to “expand” the provinces in which there are Caminando Juntos lists, so the 21,700 endorsements that must be submitted before June 16 will be, foreseeably, several thousand more.

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