It's not an electoral campaign, it's a waiting period

The last festival of San Juan served to debut on the market a new concept of fireworks based on the soundless firecracker. Without any shame, it costs more and more to have it, its clever promoters disseminated their proposal with the semantic patches that serve for any absurdity: inclusiveness, responsibility and sustainability. Foolishness is like the universe expanding to infinity. But the truth is that you can already buy and pay at the price of a firecracker what is not, simply because it does not make noise.
Those who should have gone through the booth where such an aberration was sold were the people of the PSOE and Sumar. And they took as a false firecracker the photo of Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the company of the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado aboard the latter's boat taken 28 years ago.
If the comeback that the left supposedly needs has to pivot on that snapshot, Feijóo can sleep soundly until Sunday.
And this photograph has been used repeatedly since 2010, when El País presented it exclusively, with no other effect than to consolidate the absolute majority of the popular candidate in Galicia and his upward political trajectory.. The penultimate time that the PSOE resorted to this resource was last March, in the middle of the debate on the law of only yes is yes, when Pedro Sánchez resorted to the drug dealer in the Senate in the exchange of shifts with Feijóo. Yesterday it was the turn of Teresa Ribera, the vice president of Ecological Transition, to do the same.. And the day before it had been Yolanda Díaz. As said, a firecracker that does not make noise. Only those who throw it away think they hear it.
The effort of the parties and the media to warm up the last days of the campaign is falling on deaf ears. Indolence wins by a landslide. We are supposedly in the decisive stretch and this has rather taken the air of the garbage minutes of a basketball game.
The efforts of journalism to check the affirmations of the candidates —yesterday on TVE Feijóo was caught in a resignation with pensions and automatically all the leftist sensitive press fanned the flame of the lying candidate— are laudable, especially if they are practiced with all the candidates, but they are not going to change the history of this campaign.
The fish is sold and only the remains and trash remain on the marble stone. While all this is happening, Feijóo is already photographing himself with views of Moncloa and proposing a collection of State pacts. One in Boston and the other in San Francisco. There has not been a campaign in Spain as blurred as this one.
We have the debate at three in the morning on TVE, with the absence of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, if there is not a last-minute rectification from the popular strategists, and little else. Sánchez, Díaz and Abascal will make the great absentee the main protagonist of the evening. Does the sit-in of its candidate favor or harm the PP? Abascal will have the opportunity to defend the importance of voting for Vox to tie the PP short and force it to practice the frontism from which Feijóo says he wants to escape. And the Sánchez-Díaz duet will have one last bullet to call the mobilization of the left. The President of the Government will also try to defend his voting border with the PP, but he must at the same time try to prevent Sumar's candidate from eating his toast on the left. But what is certain is that there will be no before and after..
The problem with this canicular campaign, which is the only thing that can be strictly analyzed at this moment, is that all of Spain, including the supposed losers, has been living for days in a future in which the right wing already governs.. In this imaginary, Feijóo is already at Moncloa and Pedro Sánchez is updating his CV on LinkedIn. Only the fine print arouses some interest, because it is unknown: the PP alone or in company? Bildu or the PNV at the head of Basque nationalism? How far back will Catalan sovereignty go? What will be the level of resistance of the PSOE? ? Where will Yolanda Díaz's project set the starting bar?
Regarding the big question — who will be president? — we are experiencing more of a waiting period than a campaign. Although later the things that are going to happen confirm or not this scenario that is presented as indisputable. It is this mantle of irreversibility of popular victory that has killed the campaign and makes any firecracker soundproof, like the ones that were sold in Barcelona on the eve of San Juan. And so it will presumably be until Sunday, when the polls confirm or deny what we already believe guessed..