Judges and prosecutors have closed an agreement with the Government that they will sign in the coming days. The associations of judges and prosecutors – with the unknown of the definitive position that the majority Professional Association of the Magistracy (APM) will adopt – have accepted this Thursday the proposal of the Ministries of Justice and Finance to increase the item by 46.7 million euros destined to the salary of the judicial and fiscal career.
This is a linear increase in salary of 440 euros per month for magistrates of collegiate bodies and 450 euros for those of single-person bodies.
According to legal sources to EL MUNDO, throughout the morning the groups Francisco de Vitoria Judicial Association (AJFV), Independent Judicial Forum (FJI), Judges for Democracy (JJpD), the Association of Prosecutors (AF), The Progressive Union of Prosecutors (UPF) and the Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors (APIF) were in favor of the Executive's latest offer, which calls for an imminent salary increase but also for holding periodic meetings of the Remuneration Table with the aim of to continue improving other concepts such as the payment of the guards and the trienniums.
Specifically, it has been agreed to set up, within a maximum period of 3 months, within the Commission, permanent working groups that will meet, at least, on a quarterly basis and in which all issues can be addressed related to the working conditions of members of the judicial career.
On the other hand, the agreement also contemplates an increase of 100 positions in the judicial and prosecutorial careers in each of the budgetary years corresponding to the years 2023 and 2024.
In a joint statement, AJFV, FJI, AF and APIF maintain that “we cannot ignore the serious problem of work overload that affects the Justice. It is obvious that an increase of 100 positions is clearly insufficient within the framework of 563 vacancies, 293 newly created courts requested by the CGPJ and the retirements that are coming”. Consequently, they ensure that “we will continue working in all scenarios for the essential improvements in our professional conditions, as well as to improve the service we provide to society.”
The only association that has considered the government's proposal unacceptable is the majority APM, which last week called off – but did not postpone – the forecast of an indefinite strike.
For their part, the rest of the associations have reported that they are calling off the strike scheduled for the next 22. The majority APM has asked for time and will give its final answer at the meeting that has been set for next Tuesday. On this point, from the Ministry of Justice it has been made clear that “the Government maintains the wish that the proposal is also finally signed by the only association that has not, for the moment, pronounced definitively, in the forum of the remuneration committee”.