The act against the amnesty ended. And the PP ran to tell that they had been surprised by the volume of the mobilization. Don't believe it, an act of this magnitude is worked to the maximum and calculated to the millimeter.. The key is not in the feigned surprise written in the communication department, but in the verification desired by the management of Genova Street. They have passed the test: the Popular Party will also be able to oppose it from the street, and that confirmation may have more significance in the short and medium term than Feijóo's own investiture.. Be careful with this strategic unfolding, with this expansion of the field of contention, because there is a precedent and it did not work badly for them..
Outside of party headquarters, no one imagines the volume of effort necessary for a size XXL event.. All terminals are activated. Fully in Madrid, where each of the headquarters of each neighborhood and each locality received the indication of the number of people it would have to contribute.
And exactly the same thing happened in the other territories. Of course the closest ones, but not only. Everyone has received orders with different figures, but the same unit of measurement, the buses. And all the leaders received the call: “You have to be there.”. Thus, at full organic lung, the image is guaranteed fully. A much easier task when there is municipal and regional power, when there is no lack of resources.
The rest is added or taken away by the social climate and talent in operational matters.. Moving the call from Plaza España to Plaza de Felipe II was a success because the area is more favorable and because the place is less square, narrower but longer, much better in terms of image.
Meanwhile, those in communication are spinning fine lines. They began selling Sunday as a demonstration, then as a rally, and the message was gradually restricted to make clear, without making it too explicit, the idea that it was a full-fledged party act..
The execution was smooth, the speeches were measured. There were no surprises. Nothing out of this world in the whole, but objective achieved. And the test contained quite a few risks..
Clicking on assistance, giving off the feeling of division, any slip or failure two days before the investiture would have generated a situation that was very difficult to handle.. But it was not like that. The popular party left the event believing that they have recovered muscle, and thinking that, today, there is no other party in Spain with a greater capacity for social mobilization..
It seems something to take into account given the circumstances: the legislature may be short if Sanchismo remains in power, it will certainly not be calm and, in Parliament, Feijóo will only be able to exercise a 100% confrontational opposition. Therefore, it is very difficult to think that it will take us a while to see new mobilizations..
I believe that the street will play a decisive role in the PP's strategy. And I believe it because the necessary conditions exist for this to occur (strength of the party through power and the consequent income), because there will be plenty of casus belli (from Puigdemont's program to the rejection of Sánchez, through the situation of the middle classes), because the opportunity to prevent Vox from raising its head by agitating the middle classes is obvious, and because there is a precedent that should be studied.
The result of the last general election was a surprise. But it was not the first. In 2004, the unexpected also happened. And then, Rajoy's leadership was equally or more contested than Feijóo's now. It took a lot of work to amass the organization, but social mobilization contributed a lot to maintaining and reinforcing leadership and keeping electoral options alive..
During those years, there were many demonstrations that were held, also in the Madrid neighborhood of Salamanca, fundamentally around the family, on more than one occasion with bishops on hand..
All of this distanced the PP from the female vote and from the youngest electoral strata.. In fact, that clearly conservative bet ideologically displaced the PP, moving it away from the center.. And yet it served.
What was it for? To generate three complementary tensions. First, organic tension: the big parties have a very consolidated organic culture. In the face of major political events (elections, parliamentary milestones…) and social events (mobilizations), they activate combat mode.
When that happens, the conspiracies end, the entire organization puts aside what is internal and focuses on achieving the maximum possible performance.. More PP on the street can mean less noise in the hallways.
Second, the media tension: the conservative media are much less disciplined than the progressive ones (Moncloa's money generates adhesions as forced and embarrassing as those we are seeing with the amnesty).
There is not one right, but many, and when the published opinion has nothing to say against the Government, it looks towards the PP headquarters, speculates on possible successions, pays more attention to Vox… We have seen all of this on countless occasions during these last years. More PP on the streets can mean less doubts in the conservative conversation.
Third, electoral tension: the greatest threat to the Popular Party is located in the danger of weakening their voting loyalty, the greatest opportunity in their ability to attract socialist voters who in the end did not vote for Feijóo's in the last elections. generals because they retreated.
Therefore, it needs to consolidate and expand the perception of the right's alpha party, while offering a clear alternative to temperate progressive voters.. Can Parliament be enough to achieve this? No. More PP in the streets can mean more social power as a political alternative.
Zapatero achieved victory in 2008, when the economic crisis had not broken out, after running an electoral campaign that has not yet been surpassed in Spain, relying on the defense of the rights and freedoms achieved during his first term.. But Rajoy, few people remember, improved his results by three points, reaching 40% of the votes.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the strategy of extending opposition politics to the streets already worked for the PP once. The difference now, not minor, is that we are no longer talking about rights and freedoms but about the unity of Spain. This is an engine with greater mobilization power, which can give more strength to the PP against Vox and which can attract more progressive voters.. Bet there will be more streets.