La Rioja repeals the Animal Protection Law with the votes of PP and Vox, who ask that it be the beginning

The La Rioja Parliament has repealed the Community Animal Protection Law at the initiative of the Popular Party, which has been joined by the two Vox deputies, whose spokesman, Ángel Alda, has asked that it not be an “image laundering” and that it be repealed others, such as Gender Violence.
The popular spokesperson Cristina Maiso has defended the processing by way of urgency, and in a single reading, due to the “simplicity” of the bill to repeal this law, since it only has one article.
For Maiso “it is urgent” to repeal this law, “much more than declaring a natural park”, in relation to the Alto Najerilla Natural Park Law approved by the past socialist government.
He has argued that the law “is generating many problems and is not serving the purpose for which it was created”. “An insecurity that means that she cannot stay another minute,” she asserted, recalling that the Popular Party “always opposed” her.
“We are here because the PP has the mandate to make things change”, he said while announcing that “it will promote a process to have a good law that respects animals and the rights of the sectors that work in them”.
It has been supported that the law enters into a “contradiction” with the state law, which will enter into force in September and “has not ended animal abandonment”, in addition to the fact that “during its processing the Advisory Council was not heard”.
The first “mismatch” that you have cited is that “it does not differentiate between pets and animals for use”. “In La Rioja, no animal is excluded and the national one excludes those used in specific activities, sports, grazing or hunting,” he indicated..
As for sterilization, he explained, “La Rioja law establishes its obligation and the state law says that it will be promoted”. Regarding the death of an animal, the regional authority indicates that a veterinary certificate will be necessary to determine that there have been no signs of violence, when the state authority only marks the discharge due to death.
He has believed that it is necessary to put, “at least, in question”, that the animals are left unprotected because if cases of abuse occur, he has said, the penal code can be applied; and the animal identification regulation is in force.
The socialist Jesus María García has seen a “metamorphosis” in Capellán, who announced “white glove” and “the first thing he does is present a proposal to repeal rights”. He reminded him that in his speech he announced to “amend” the law.
“I don't know if you realize that what you are doing is despising the work of La Rioja society”, he told him, pointing out the presence, in the debate, of the La Rioja Protective Association, which did a “tremendous job” to present the law in front of Parliament with 24,000 signatures.
“The first of the disgraces of the Popular Party”, has believed the deputy of Izquierda Unida, Henar Moreno, who has seen that “we are faced with the repeal of the law that responds to a popular legislative initiative; a law that mattered, therefore , to the citizens”.
He added that it is done with “agosticity” because “they wanted to announce it during the electoral campaign”. He has asked Chaplain what he thinks of “governing for a few”. “You come here to say that you don't give a damn about animal welfare,” he added, believing that “they could have opted for the path of reform” of the law.
The Vox spokesman, Ángel Alda, has seen that repealing a law with such a “limited effect” is an “image laundering” of the PP, for which he has asked the “popular” president, Gonzalo Capellán, “deadlines to repeal other indeological laws”.
In this sense, he has referred to the Equality Law, the Democratic Memory, the Trans Law, on Climate Change and Against Gender Violence.