López Miras demands to convene the Conference of Presidents to address an "exceptional" drought
The President of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, has sent a letter to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, requesting the convening, “urgently”, of a Conference of Presidents to address “the problem of water” that shakes a good part of the autonomous communities of the country and that already affects both the agricultural sector and human consumption.
The situation of the almond plantations in the Region of Murcia that are at the limit or the restrictions that the inhabitants of various towns in Andalusia are suffering are worth as a sample button.. “Water is a matter of State”, as remarked by López Miras. “We are in an exceptional situation that cannot be resolved with unilateral, electoral decisions and with smokescreens.”
The objective of the letter sent from the Palacio de San Esteban to the Moncloa is to get Sánchez to convene all the regional presidents, to address, “jointly”, possible solutions to a period of drought that lasts for months and that is leaving the reserves of the Spanish swamps low.
“We are in a situation that right now is exceptional, but of course, the water deficit in Spain and the need that exists at this time where Spaniards do not have the right to access water under the same conditions: it is a structural problem in our country”, as stressed by the head of the Murcian Executive.
“Sánchez is patching up an exceptional situation that requires all of us regional presidents to sit down to talk about water”. So López Miras has sent a letter to the President of the Government, with the aim of demanding in the Conference of Presidents “the need” to enable infrastructure, interconnect basins and transfers, as well as promote a National Water Plan “as soon as possible”. .
EL ESPAÑOL has accessed the letter from López Miras to Sánchez, where it begins by exposing the water deficit that the Region of Murcia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community have historically suffered:
“As you know, the Region of Murcia and the entire Spanish Levante suffer from a structural water deficit that makes it necessary to adopt policies that provide an effective response to this problem. A situation that has been especially aggravated in recent months by the extreme drought that affects the whole of Spain, with serious consequences at an economic, social and environmental level, and that forces all administrations to unite our efforts to be able to face it. “.
In the letter, he also alerts Moncloa that concern is spreading in the agricultural and livestock sectors that are generators of employment in the labor market, and therefore, contribute to the country's economy.
“In recent years and on repeated occasions, I have expressed my deep concern about this matter, as well as my total predisposition to be able to hold a meeting with you to advance a definitive solution to the water problem in the Region of Murcia, which requires for This is a great national agreement that puts an end to disputes over an essential resource that belongs to all Spaniards. Some meeting proposals that, unfortunately, have never received a response from you, but for the Government of the Region of Murcia they are still fully valid, the same as from day one”.
“This is not the time for sterile confrontations or reproaches, but rather to act without delay. The worrying situation that our farmers and the vast majority of agricultural and livestock farms in Spain are experiencing, due to the drought, requires a heightened vision and the sum of forces instead of exacerbating the differences”.
López Miras appeals in his letter to the “constitutional principles of equality and solidarity” between all territories and citizens so that a Conference of Presidents is urgently convened, to address the situation of drought that is beginning to leave worrying patterns, such as the Ebro river with the lowest water levels of the last three decades.
“As representatives of our citizens, we are obliged to find a definitive solution to one of the greatest factors of territorial inequality in our country today, which is access to water for all Spaniards under the same conditions.. For all these reasons, I raise the urgent need to convene a Conference of Autonomous Presidents to address without delay, and in a joint, equitable and fair manner, the need to lay the foundations of a National Water Pact and a National Hydrological Plan”.
“The current situation of lack of water that Spain is going through requires immediate responses, but it is also unavoidable that the administrations be able to provide a global solution to a problem that, in basins such as the Segura, is already structural, and could very soon be also in the rest of Spain. That is why, jointly, with dialogue and agreement, we must move towards that definitive solution to the water needs in our country, agreeing on a distribution that guarantees this resource to all Spaniards”.