Manual of the good anti-Semite. 2023 Edition
“Well”, what is said “good”, “well”, there is none. But everyone believes they are the definitive remedy against evil.. And everyone gets involved in great causes. Now it happens to us with the extreme left here and also in France with those of Melenchon or in the United Kingdom with those of Corbyn. Both follow a discursive manual that could well be told in ten steps..
One: terrorism does not exist. The good anti-Semite avoids calling Hamas what it is: a terrorist organization. That group, in its own founding charter of 1988, defines itself as a force aimed at the annihilation of Israel and in favor of “jihad” (holy war) as a method for the subsequent implementation of a “sharia” (a theocratic dictatorship)..
Two: there are no terrorists. Denying the root of the facts, the helpful anti-Semite proceeds to conceal the connections. The Iranian Foreign Minister recently referred to the “axis of resistance” of which the following groups are part: Hezbollah (Lebanon), the Shiite militias (Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan), the Houthis of Yemen and the Sunnis of Hamas. Those who promote and protect terror speak more clearly than those who row for them in our countries. But our society needs to keep in mind that Hamas is part of a terrorist network whose ultimate goal is to defeat the democratic model and install theocracy in its place, in our streets..
Three: Hamas has 100% legitimacy. Once the channels of reasoning have been deactivated, sentimentalization is carried out to induce the public to intuit that Hamas is the only valid representative of the entire Palestinian population.. It's also not true. They lack democratic legitimacy. The last elections that were held there were in 2006.. They have systematically prevented it ever since.. By the way, resorting to the heavy hand without hesitation. These terrorists have two enemies in their target: the external one (Israel) and the internal one (those who do not agree with their fundamentalism).
Four: the alternative exploitation of suffering. The disciplined anti-Semite enters fiercely to discuss whether or not there were 40 babies who were slit.. And, with the same vigor, it takes facts for granted before they are verified (as happened after the explosion in the Gaza hospital)..
Many women and men in Palestine are suffering horribly. Of course you need to empathize with them.. And the best way to do it is in the moral obligation to emphasize that all these people are not only victims of the Israeli extreme right, because they are also victims of those who run their territory and treat them, through corruption, as cannon fodder..
The Hamas leader is not sharing with the population the hardships caused by the attack he ordered. Ismail Haniyeh has been living like a sheikh between Qatar and Türkiye for years. Political romanticization almost always leads to an exercise in cynicism from which some elites invariably benefit..
Five: “No to peace” and the selective use of “diplomacy”. The demonstrations called by the extreme left in Madrid and other Western capitals under the concept of “solidarity with Palestine” are celebrated by those from Hamas, but they do not alleviate the anguish of the Palestinian people.. These mobilizations are not a “No to war” because under those flags they are not demanding a complete end to violence, they are not demanding the end of terrorism and the opening of a dialogue that saves lives..
That is an aspect that is being underlined little: those who defend the interests of Hamas today are basically the same ones who defended Putin's interests before the invasion of Ukraine.. Before they called for the action of diplomacy, in this case they did not. Their entire demand is that Israel do absolutely nothing after having received the greatest damage since 1945..
Six. Six. Six: Load reversal. This is where the anti-Semite carries out cultural appropriation, a basic resource in culture wars.. It does not stop at denouncing how much should be criticized, such as illegal settlements. Shoot for elevation to lock in demonization. It is Israel that is carrying out a genocide (clumsily, it seems, since the Palestinian population has only increased). In extreme cases, Jews are even openly compared to Nazis, applying a classic “argument” of anti-Semitism as recalled by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance..
Seven: the prohibition of individuality. Once the previous framework has been established, we now proceed to the packaging of the complete Israeli society. The nuances must be eradicated: in the same way that it is taken for granted that Hamas represents the entire Palestinian population without the possibility of exception, it is taken for granted and indisputable that the entire Israeli population is inevitably Zionist and entirely in favor of Netanyahu's erroneous policy.. It doesn't matter that there are other more sensible positions, nor that the prime minister has been very controversial for a long time, the only important thing is that all Israelis are equal, that is, equally evil. The denial of individuality as a prior requirement for dehumanization.
Eight: the alternative use of the law. The anti-Semite, now grown, stops respecting two of the basic principles of democracy: equality and proportionality. Democrats believe that the right to defend oneself must always be carried out within the margins of the law, they do not. They present the terrorist as a liberator and Netanyahu as a war criminal, all while Putin seems like a first-class guy to them.. This ability to selectively accuse is a sign of moral turpitude and cowardice that can also be seen, by the way, with respect to the imposition of the burqa..
Nine: the application of silence in the face of violence. Once the gasoline can has been knocked over and the matchbox has been placed close enough, the debate has been poisoned and the street has been filled, the anti-Semite waits for the tension to continue rising to the boiling point and ends. catching on anywhere. When that happens, as is beginning to be seen, silence is applied, there is no request to step on the brakes, there is no condemnation, they simply let themselves be done..
Ten: the destabilization of democracy. Anti-Semites are anti-systemic. That is the political reason that connects the extreme left with this movement and then there is, of course, money. These two reasons braid a new type of decline of the classic “the worse, the better”: the worse for Israel, the better for the enemies of the democratic model and the worse for democracy, the better for the extremes. It is what we are in, in that Islamized feedback of interests.