Marifrán Carazo: "The Government of Pedro Sánchez has deceived Granada. It will bill the mayor"

Marifrán Carazo left his position as Andalusian Minister of Development, Articulation of the Territory and Housing to fully immerse himself in local politics and recover the Mayor's Office of Granada for the PP, a key city for the popular. These days of the campaign, he has set up tents in all the neighborhoods of the city to listen first-hand to the neighbors. She has already prepared the work that she will do as mayor during the first week, if she obtains the necessary support on 28M. It will knock on the door of the Government to demand the pending infrastructures.

The socialist mayor of Granada and candidate for re-election, Francisco Cuenca, has just said that he will allow the list with the most votes to govern, contrary to what the PSOE defends and more in tune with what the PP claims. Will you also allow the most voted list in Granada to govern? Mr. Cuenca says one thing one day and the next day, the opposite. The one who has not changed position has been the PP. Today [for this Tuesday], President Feijóo has once again asked Sánchez to govern the most voted list in all of Spain and the PSOE, which is the Cuenca party, has not answered. Mr. Cuenca is trying to make merit every day to distance himself from his party, from his boss Sánchez, but he no longer sneaks into Granada. Didn't defend the city when we were robbed by the Artificial Intelligence Agency. But you have not answered my question, will you let the most voted list govern in Granada or will this issue have to be resolved in a national pact between the PP and the PSOE? It is a national matter, which must be addressed at the national level, with the agreement of the political parties. The PP has always been firm with this decision. What corresponds to me is to work and unite that broad majority that gives stability to Granada around a political project. What are the people of Granada conveying to you these days of the campaign? A lot of hope. I notice in the streets that Granada needs a change, a person who manages the City Council of his city, with leadership and political weight. To make Granada grow, to have a city project years in the future to be able to place the city in its rightful place, and thus make up for lost time. What is the most repeated complaint? The biggest complaint is the neglected situation of the city: its lack of cleanliness and the graffiti that floods the facades. That is what I am going to focus on: in the small, in caring, pampering and making the city shine. Also in attracting and retaining talent to overcome the depopulation curve of a city that has been losing population for fifteen years. Urgent decisions have to be made in small matters, but also to build a ten-year city project that makes Granada an attractive city to live in, to invest in, healthier, greener and also that guarantees equal opportunities.. She stands for the municipal elections as a candidate for Mayor of Granada with the full support of the Board and President Juanma Moreno. There was even a government council in Sierra Nevada in which you said goodbye to your position as counselor. The president was concerned about the situation in Granada because the city needs a person at the head of its City Council who manages the day-to-day life of the city and projects its transformation with leadership, political weight and great care to also contribute to the transformation that already President Juanma Moreno pushes throughout Andalusia. I did not hesitate to choose Granada, with enormous enthusiasm for being its first female mayor. I am convinced that in a matter of months we can mark a new time, in which three governments of the PP come together, in Granada, the Junta de Andalucía and the Government. The PSOE has criticized that he has taken advantage of the institutional platform of the position he held on the Board to promote his candidacy for the 28-M elections. I have not taken advantage of any platform. I have fulfilled my obligation as a counselor until the last day, until the beginning of the electoral campaign. I had to complete certain projects and plan the future work of a council, which is essential to promote investment in Andalusia. The setback of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to Granada for designating La Coruña as the headquarters of the Artificial Intelligence Agency has been hard. Is he going to bill the mayor of the PSOE? The Government of Pedro Sánchez has deceived Granada with the Artificial Intelligence Agency and I am sure that it will take its toll on the mayor. The application meets all the requirements. It has had the unanimous support of Granada society, the Junta de Andalucía, the University and researchers. We have taken good note of that grievance and of that still unexplained political decision. What will you do with this matter if you manage to be mayor? As mayor, in the first week, I am going to ask for clarity and that the procedure be temporarily suspended and restarted from the beginning. As mayor, my obligation will be to defend Granada every day of the year against any attack, grievance or arbitrary and partisan decision that harms the interests of the city. We cannot throw in the towel with the Artificial Intelligence Agency and, at the same time, we must continue working and planning so that this sector becomes stronger. So far in the electoral campaign, neither Pedro Sánchez nor Juan Espadas, leader of the Andalusian PSOE, have set foot in the capital of Granada. Well yes, they have not appeared here. That feeling of the people of Granada of abandonment by the Government of Sánchez had to do with it. But not only that. The government has not pulled a single strategic project for the city. It has been unable to tender the drafting of the project to complete the Mediterranean corridor as it passes through the capital. Nor has it moved a single piece of paper on the burying of the railroad as it passes through La Chana. The first week, I will ask for an urgent appointment with President Sanchez and the Minister of Transport to address these issues. Granada has also suffered grievances with the AVE and air connections. Yes, the high speed train that connects us with Madrid should have better schedules and the airport connections can be improved. We cannot waste another minute. The inaction of the Government of Sanchez detracts opportunities and competitiveness to Granada. I am going to defend the best connections. It will be the proposal of the first week. Instability has reigned in the Granada City Council in recent years. The rupture of the pact between the PP and Cs caused the departure of the previous mayor Luis Salvador, in a crisis in which the PP did not come out very well. How will you reverse this situation? The people of Granada have taken good note. Here we all have to take responsibility, also my party. Generating political instability causes projects to be delayed. Taking good note means that on the 28th we have a moment for Granada and a historic opportunity to achieve a stable, sufficient and broad majority. To recover political and institutional stability, which is also social and economic stability and favors investment. Has Granada already turned the page on corruption, after the arrest of PP mayor Torres Hurtado in 2016? I want to think so. The people of Granada are in another moment. They are seeing an opportunity for a new government on the 28th, with a manager at the head of their City Council, with proven, proven experience, solvency, political weight…. We all have to seize this opportunity. Will there be a tax cut? Yes, there will be a tax cut. It is the recipe of the Popular Party and I come from the Junta with the learned recipe, as Minister of Public Works that I have been. This recipe is making Andalusia advance, transform and is offering economic results that we never thought we were going to achieve. In this recipe, stability, legal certainty, streamlining procedures and simplifying bureaucracy have a specific weight, as we have done in the Junta de Andalucía. And if she does not manage to be mayor? It's not part of my plans. I have made an important choice, with my heart and conviction, because I aspire and trust to be the first female mayor of Granada. I am turning to a solid project. It is only part of my plans to be the mayor of the city and start working to make up for that lost time.. If you do not reach a sufficient majority, will you agree with Vox? It's that I don't even think about it. I can not say anything else. Seré la alcaldesa de Granada.

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