The Valencian Popular Party intends to compensate with the appointments of its ministers in the Valencian Generalitat the perception that Vox has imposed its ideology and its political story in the negotiation to enter the Executive in exchange for guaranteeing the investiture of Carlos Mazón. The first week of staging the agreement has been clearly favorable to the political interests of Santiago Abascal's party, with the inclusion of the bullfighter Vicente Barrera as first vice president with powers in Culture and the statements of José María Llanos, aspiring to head of Justice, denying sexist and gender violence. The first signs of the Valencian pact have generated discomfort in Genoa, with its leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the middle of the pre-campaign of the general elections on July 23. There are already those who consider the management of the pact “an error”.
The PP maintains that, once the investiture has passed and the government has been appointed, the real weight and the ability to influence decision-making in the daily management of the regional administration will become evident.. Mazón, who does not rule out appointing a second vice president of the PP to avoid bicephaly, has reserved the areas with the greatest budgetary weight of the Consell and his party stands out, as a result of the controversies aroused by Vox, which intends to separate the Environment area from the Ministry of Agriculture, the relationship with civil servants and public employees (Public Service) of Justice and that policies on gender violence have been left out of the orbit of the extreme right, as ultra-conservatives have been excluded from the area of social policy, where move 2,000 million budget. Mazón has also reserved the always sensitive Education portfolio, although he has shown coincidences with Vox in linguistic matters and has accepted the parental veto in the government program, as well as the concept of “domestic violence”.
The proof of the cotton of the real weight of the government, beyond the symbolism that those of Abascal intend to print, will be in the specific weight of the consellers that the PP appoints. Mazón seeks political profiles, but also technical ones for the areas with the greatest budgetary capacity or economic cut. It's all unconfirmed speculation.. But among the names that are being considered in the Treasury, a key position to try to technically fit the tax reductions that PP and Vox want to apply, is that of the professor of Applied Economics at the Miguel Hernández de Elche University and doctor in Management and Taxation of the Company, José Antonio Belso Martínez.
Belso is currently the director of Suma Gestión Tributaria, the tax office of the Provincial Council of Alicante, and is considered one of the ideologues of the tax reform that Mazón wants to apply in the Generalitat. Gonzalo Maluenda, also in Suma, and two Economics professors from the same university as Belso, Eduardo Such and Carmen Victoria Escolano, were part of that group..
Also the former spokesperson for Ciudadanos and now a deputy with the PP, Ruth Merino, from the Tax Agency technical staff, has been part of Mazón's economic team, although perhaps she is more suited to a second-tier position like the Valencian Tax Agency ( ATV) or the Valencian Institute of Finance (IVF). The deputy Rubén Ibáñez and José Antonio Rovira have also formed part of the team, one of the most trusted people of the one who will be the new president and whose name has been used for the Education portfolio, since he was already general director of teaching staff of the Ministry of Education between 2001 and 2007.
The unwritten pact that each formation that composes it has the freedom to designate its members is common in coalition governments. However, formally, the ultimate power to appoint and remove ministers belongs to the President of the Generalitat, who has the red button in the Official Gazette to press it when he considers it. This asymmetry in the power relationship between the partners is what led Vox to seek a way out in Congress for its candidate Carlos Flores, vetoed by the popular, in exchange for guaranteeing entry into the Executive of the Generalitat. In the same way, the need to seal the agreement before formalizing the lists to the Cortes Generales explains why the PP has agreed to shorten the terms of the negotiation to close a lightning pact, which includes the bullfighter Barrera as first vice president with powers in Culture and the transfer of the areas of Agriculture and Justice, the Interior and the Interior.
The agreement document, however, does not name the last two portfolios. Its owners will leave the negotiation, although it is up to Vox to designate them. Mazón will not make his entire government public until he has been sworn in, which could happen between July 17 and 21.. However, Vox has started slipping names. The one from the deputy José Luis Aguirre for Agriculture sounds, a person whom the PP values for his knowledge of the sector. An agricultural technical engineer, Vox came to consider Aguirre as a candidate for mayor of Valencia, although he finally opted for the Civil Law professor, Juanma Badenas.
The aspiring minister who can generate the most controversy and who can put Mazón in a bind before public opinion and before Feijóo is José María Llanos. He was the provincial president of Vox, until Santiago Abascal decided to replace him with Ignacio Gil Lázaro, and he was second in the regional list for Valencia after Flores.. Considered a representative of the most conservative Valencian religious right, Llanos sparked controversy last Friday by stating in statements to TVE that “gender violence does not exist” and “sexist violence does not exist”. These statements, added to the acceptance by the PP in the programmatic document of the pact of the concept of “domestic violence” unleashed a storm that led Núñez Feijóo to step forward to censure Llanos, which forced the Valencian PP to react in the same line.
It remains to be seen whether Feijóo and Mazón accept Llanos in the government of the Generalitat and face a new fire. He has a PhD in Law and a degree in Political Science, but the Ministry of Justice has under its powers the supervision and staffing of courts specializing in gender violence. In other words, it is up to Llanos to negotiate with the judiciary for the allocation of resources. The popular ones have been critical of the reorganization of the courts carried out by the current person in charge, Gabriela Bravo, who has regrouped the windows from eleven to five, eliminating jurisdiction over gender violence in the judicial districts of Quart de Poblet, Carlet, Xátiva , Moncada, Catarroja and Picassent. Bravo assures that the reorganization has been for reasons of efficiency and that it has been agreed upon with the approval of the Judiciary, the Valencian Superior Court of Justice and the body of lawyers.