Minority forces hold the key

The most fragmented Congress in the history of democracy will give way to a hemicycle with less political diversity, but in which minority forces will once again be key to the country's governability in the absence of a clear majority in the ideological blocks. After last night's scrutiny, it will be the representatives of 11 parties who sit in the seats of the San Jerónimo race compared to the 16 who distributed the 350 acts of deputies of the legislature that ended abruptly on May 29 with the early call of the general elections.

The most significant absence will be that of Ciudadanos, which goes from 10 to zero parliamentarians without even having appeared in these elections. Despite the attempt to refound the formation that premiered in 2015 in the Lower House with 40 seats and came to have a group with 57 members, the successive debacles in the regional and municipal that has been chained in the last four years have practically led to its de facto extinction.

Nor will the Regionalist Party of Cantabria (PCR) be represented on this occasion. After winning a parliamentarian for the first time in the general elections of April 2019 that he kept in the repetition of the month of November of that year, the formation of Miguel Ángel Revilla also made the decision not to attend this appointment with the polls due to the “enormous risk” of not having the possibility of obtaining representation due to the “fierce polarization” of the political board.

General elections

General Elections 2023 Chamber News

The initials of Más País, which had three deputies, also disappear from the chamber, in this case due to its integration into the Sumar candidacy, which has replaced United We Can as the unifying brand of the forces to the left of the PSOE. Íñigo Errejón, leader of the party that debuted in Congress four years ago with three deputies, will retain his seat after running as number four on Yolanda Díaz's list in Madrid, where he has obtained six representatives.

The one that remains outside the chamber is the CUP after a single legislature in which it has had two seats. Its collapse joins the fall of the other two Catalan independence parties, ERC and Junts, which have lost, respectively, six and one representatives and will be left with separate groups of seven members but essential for the heterogeneous sum that would allow Pedro Sánchez to continue in La Moncloa.

Pact Calculator

An absolute majority is required on the first ballot.. If no applicant succeeds, there is a second vote in which a simple majority is required (more yes than no).

Pacts Calculator General Elections 2023

Teruel Existe, which had the key to the Government in 2019 by facilitating the vote that was missing for the investiture, has not obtained representation on this occasion either. Unión del Pueblo Navarro (UPN), which in 2019 won two seats by running under the Navarra Suma brand, is left with a single deputy after the signing by the PP of those who had been its representatives, Sergio Sayas and Carlos García Adanero, who will presumably support the popular Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The BNG remains with a single representative, Néstor Rego, who has been re-elected as deputy for the province of La Coruña, consolidating his presence in the Lower House that he recovered in 2019 after four absentees, but far from the expectations that the Galician nationalists had set, reports Natalia Puga. His vote would be for the sum of left-wing parties.

The Canary Islands Coalition (CC) has obtained one seat compared to the two that it achieved four years ago by running on the same ballot as Nueva Canarias, which is left out. It would presumably support the PP, which even counting on Vox -33 seats- and UPN would manage to reach an absolute majority of 176 seats.

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