Pablo Iglesias kicks Monedero off his television days after striking down another of his presenters

Pablo Iglesias has kicked Juan Carlos Monedero off his television and canceled his program two weeks after giving an interview in EL MUNDO in which, in connection with the tenth anniversary of Podemos, the co-founder of the purple party criticized the drift of Canal Red for acting as a “party organ” and for, among other things, “turning into a suspect” anyone who does not share “100%” of their speech. “Canal Red has to be de-podemized and Podemos has to be de-channelized,” he reflected.
Iglesias' retaliation against Monedero comes two days after the former general secretary of Podemos purged Sergio Gregori, who was one of the star presenters at the launch of the channel and who had been removed from the front line for some time for expressing opinions. prone to understanding between Podemos and Sumar.
Thus, after the divergent opinions expressed in recent times by Monedero and Gregori, Iglesias has acted relentlessly against them and has struck down both of their programs on Canal Red.. The first leaves television and the second still remains on it but away from other internal tasks.
Juan Carlos Monedero: “If Podemos and Sumar do not speak, the question is whether there are too many people incapable of dialogue”
The departure of Monedero has been communicated by the affected person himself on the social network. “Those responsible for the channel want to reinforce their ideological line and it is evident that my disobedient Lennon glasses blur that objective,” he said.
Monedero explained that he had had a recent conversation with Iglesias and that in it they had addressed, among other issues, their “disagreements.”. That they are not limited only to the drift of Canal Red, but also to the lack of unity on the left, where he distributes blame, as he pointed out in the interview, to the leaders of Sumar and Podemos for not even talking.
“No one can deny the siege of Podemos and Canal Red's will to close ranks in the face of the siege is evident.. I don't think it's the most effective, but I understand. The field of struggle is vast, I remain convinced of unity – without naivety – and we will meet, like the rebels, on one of the paths. The enemies are in other places,” he said now in his comment on social networks.
“Today, and beyond disagreements, I want to give priority to friendship with someone whom I have known since his student days, whom I admire and whom I love.. Friendship, like kindness and generosity, has these things. Que tinguem sort, which Lluís Llach sang.”
In his public reflection, Monedero lamented “those who confuse generosity with weakness or lack of enlightenment.”. “The fight for a more decent world must be marked, precisely, by generosity. Those of us who have fought, in addition to Europe and Latin America, are clear about it,” he said.. “My statements – far from the ambitions that have bothered me so much from some with whom we started this fight – have had to do with tactics or strategy, not with personal plans.. Not taking advantage gives away this privilege. And whoever does not dare to disagree should dedicate themselves to something else,” he said.
These assessments affect the differences that it maintains with the strategy imposed by Iglesias on Podemos television, where the sets have become the trench from which to shoot against Yolanda Díaz, Sumar and other left-wing parties such as Más Madrid, Compromís or common.
In his interview in this newspaper, Monedero asked Canal Red to do a “deep reflection”, to have an “assembly”. “It is a very powerful organ and that is not good for either Canal Red or Podemos.”. It is not good for Canal Red because it greatly limits its influence and it is not good for Podemos because it has not completely freed itself from that forceful opinion of the convinced that Canal Red always expresses,” he said.
And he recalled “a reflection that Iglesias always made”: “A guy like Jiménez Losantos speaks to the right, he does not speak to the PP, he speaks to the right”. “Of course,” he delved into the thread of this, “your reach is greater.”. “I think Canal Red has to de-podemize itself. And Podemos has to dechannel,” he stated.
Once Monedero's message was published in