Podemos celebrates its Spring Festival to accelerate the race for the May elections and it does so without forgetting Yolanda Díaz and the process of reconfiguration of the alternative left to the PSOE that, for the first time since 2014, threatens the hegemony of the purple party in space. In the middle of a dispute with the leader of Sumar, who was refused support in the announcement of her candidacy for the general elections, the messages towards the second vice president by the main figures of Podemos have combined the “outstretched hand” to reach a pact of coexistence with veiled criticism and undisguised reproaches for their “insults, neglect and contempt”.
The purple party, which means the launch of a long sprint until May 28, has also intended to be the harangue for the lifting of the resistance of Podemos. For this, militants and voters have been asked to tighten the ranks and conspire with their leaders to go hand in hand in the face of the approaching events and defy the forecast that Podemos “sinks” or that it must make way for others.. First in the regional and municipal elections and, later, the negotiations with Sumar and the rest of the forces in the political space, where the purple party demands a leading role.
As if it were an omen about what is coming, Podemos had to face this Saturday the tossing of a hostile climate and some devilish gusts of wind that between the air and the dust led to the interruption of the central rally and move it to a tent. Leaders and supporters of Podemos sheltered in a shelter as a metaphor for a moment.
From there, Irene Montero has sent a very forceful message to Yolanda Díaz to respond to the words that the leader of Sumar pronounced at her debut when she proclaimed herself “free” and independent of “tutelage”. “Women belong to nobody. And I, a woman, am not anyone's either,” said the leader of Sumar.
“I am the wife of Ione Belarra”
Now Montero has replied: “I am a woman 'of'. I am a woman of Ione Belarra and of Podemos and I am proud to belong and to never be alone”. And she finished off, to the euphoria of some 2,000 people: “Of course we are women 'of'. We are women of our parties, of collective projects because nothing can be achieved alone, and if we can shout 'yes we can' it is because we always do it together”.
The Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, at the Podemos Spring Festival.. . PRINCE
Slipping with these words the idea that Díaz has undertaken a personal process, Montero has vindicated the parties as “collective projects” and tools that rise up “against injustices” or that the “powerful” fear.. Words that have to do with the claim that the Sumar candidate makes of her political project as a “citizen movement” that flies with the political parties in a secondary role.
Montero, who has closed the rally as is customary for party leaders, has proclaimed the vitality of Podemos: “To all our adversaries, let them know very clearly: before you is the most alive dead person you have ever seen in your life” .
The Minister for Equality has opted for a “coalition agreement” between Podemos and Díaz for the elections despite the fact that the purples are a “very different party from Sumar y Más Madrid”. And he has claimed that in him his training contributes a fundamental question: “to be the engine of transformations to conquer more democracy and rights.”
In the same way, he has vindicated Podemos as the force that in difficult moments “puts its body and face” and is willing to assume the “political cost”. This is an idea on which the purple party has been emphasizing to contrast this attitude with that of those who “put themselves in profile”.. Hence, Montero has said that in this electoral cycle “more important than that the right does not win is that what is left is capable of continuing to make transformations and that its pulse does not tremble” to conquer rights and demonstrate courage. “Ending Podemos continues to be the main objective of this electoral cycle” for some, he pointed out.
Juan Carlos Monedero talks with Isa Serra. . PRINCE
Before Montero, and in the midst of the gale of wind and dust on the stage before having to change locations, the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has warned Pedro Sánchez and Díaz that Podemos will not accept being “an ornament of the PSOE” nor a space that is going to yield in the “capacity to influence Spanish politics”. “We are not that and we are not going to be,” she remarked, in what is interpreted as a message to Sumar and the idea that slips from the Sánchez-Díaz electoral ticket.
“Here we are no matter how much it bothers those who want the left to go back to being the way it was before, relegated to a corner of the board,” Belarra also pointed out.
“We can never put himself in profile”
The also Minister of Social Rights has once again claimed that Podemos is the party of the people “who never put themselves in profile” and that is why she has argued that they want to kill them. A prognosis about which he has been ironic because he says that it has been done since 2015.
Belarra has tried to encourage the militancy and has called to tighten the ranks to face the coming months “raising our voices” and “building hope” in every corner. “I do not hope as an artifice or a spring speech that does not change anything,” he stressed, in a veiled criticism of Díaz and his kinder ways of doing politics.
The Saturday day was opened early in the morning by Pablo Iglesias, who advocated “continuing to lend a hand” to Díaz despite the insults, the neglect and the contempt” to achieve “unity”.
The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra. . PRINCE
The former general secretary of Podemos has acknowledged that there are many “very hurt” and “very offended” militants with what his party is experiencing in relation to Díaz, although he has avoided explicitly referring to her, but has claimed to have “high vision”.
“This political formation has to continue defending one of its most important elements of identity: the defense of unity. It is not always simple or easy”, has said. “When they insult you, they belittle you, when all the media cannons of power build an offensive story, I understand the feeling of many colleagues demanding respect,” Iglesias has deepened.
For this reason, he has indicated that unity is “much more important than the dignity of all this militancy” because it is a priority to achieve that objective to try to stop “a process of democratic involution in Europe that has to do with the dynamics of the regime of war [in Ukraine] and the increasing weight of NATO in political decisions on the continent”.
In his speech, Iglesias has warned that they are experiencing the “umpteenth attempt to kill Podemos and make it not exist”. But if it did not exist, he added, he wonders who would then have the ability to say what they do about Europe, NATO, the “ruthless capitalists” or the media.