Pedro (Sánchez) said he would call Ángel Víctor (Torres)

Something is moving in the ranks of the Canarian socialists—something, and some—. Aware that it is not up to them (discretion is decreed, waiting to know the outcome of the investiture), no one recognizes anything or knows anyone. No qualified spokesperson will admit publicly or officially that in just a few weeks the party map may be different on the Islands.. But, not only the clinical picture of the PSOE. Being the main opposition group, the fluttering of the socialists would bring with it a shock wave in the parliamentary context or in the relations between the main actors in local politics..
The more or less immediate future of the general secretary and former president of the regional government, Ángel Víctor Torres, will mark other futures. If Torres continues at the regional level for four years – as he announced shortly after winning the elections, with no options to remain president – all the pieces will return to their place, to the starting point, to what is known.. If, on the contrary, he leaves the regional scene to occupy some position of responsibility at the level of the State, then yes, the Canarian socialists would be forced to make reforms at home..
Torres does not speak. He knows that any loose statement (susceptible to more or less free interpretations) could open the door to changes in the PSOE of the Islands, and he does not touch. Not yet. In December it will be seen. Pedro Sánchez told Ángel Víctor Torres (some weeks ago, before Alberto Núñez Feijóo's failed attempt) that he would call him after the investiture. That's what they say he told him. That is what those who have the confidence of the former president say.. Pedro told him that he would call him – they say in his circle of trust -.
Like someone who leaves a sign on the road, a thread to pull, a clue to follow, when they say that Sánchez told Torres that he will call him, they leave the door ajar, they create reality, they say without saying, they announce without specifying, they predict a ministry , a secretary of state, some high-flying position in a major league company or institution or, among other possible destinations, promoting to the General Staff of the organic army of the PSOE.
Pedro told him that he will call him. Let everyone interpret what they consider. There will be those who conclude that Pedro Sánchez's announcement was written on an ice bar. Others will be convinced that it is solid, and that, indeed, Ángel Víctor Torres' cell phone will ring when the president, now re-elected, makes the promised call; But, whether he calls it or not, there is more than enough evidence to conclude that the former Canary Islands president quietly dreams of playing a relevant role in the next Government of Spain.. That possibility is in the equations (and sentences) of the closest. They see it in Madrid. They see him. In the absence of explicit recognition that not only Ángel Víctor Torres is seen in Madrid, there are elements that support that objective.
Among others, the change in profile – increasingly evident – of Torres himself, less and less Torres and much more Sánchez, leaving behind the conciliatory former president, the good man who allowed him the miracle of transversality, to adopt a more sour tone , feisty, tough (in short, more Sánchez). Clues. Indications. Signs. Ángel Víctor Torres seems to want to retire Ángel Víctor to be reborn as Torres, with a record more similar to that of the president who, according to what they say in his industrial belt, told him that he would call him. More clues. Torres' effort to be seen in Madrid, prioritizing sharing focus with those who move on the front lines in his agenda, continues to be a sign. One more.
If the phone finally rings and abandons regional politics, a few questions would open up for the Canarian PSOE, some difficult to answer (or not so difficult).. If the general secretary of the Canarian socialists packs his bags, the PSOE will be forced to find someone to replace him as leader of the opposition at the regional parliamentary level, also outside; And, incidentally, in their ranks, already involved in moves, doubts would multiply about the opportunity to begin to shape another candidate for the presidency of the Canary Islands Government in 2027. The candidate. Carolina Darias, for example. Being more or less compatible with occupying a prominent national responsibility without losing the status of general secretary or electoral poster, it is not easy to be the first while surviving the second and third..
Less, if possible, if in the Islands there remains, with the projection given by the mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a former minister with tables, glue and an organic path – what can we say about her relationship with Sánchez himself -. If Torres leaves the Islands, the immediate thing is that, slowly but unstoppably, the melon of the candidacy will open for him and, who knows, also that of the general secretary (although, in this case, his good results in the last electoral calls keep him strong among his own). There is more. If Sánchez calls Torres, and the former president accepts (he would accept, that is beyond any doubt), one might wonder if he would have ministerial options. Difficult.
The Constitution says nothing about the obligation that a canary always sit in the Councils of Ministers – like this, to begin with -. And, if this circumstance is repeated, Torres' options would cross paths with Héctor Gómez, current Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. You can aspire to a ministry without having experience, but it is difficult to apply for a position as a minister.. These are, among others, the questions that would arise if Pedro Sánchez has Torres and, when summoned, leaves a gap in the Canary Islands that Carolina Darias would foreseeably end up filling..
Nor would relations with neighbors be left out.. If Torres is no longer on the Islands, the change of distribution could open the windows to possible agreements, until now unthinkable, between the Canarian Coalition and the PSOE – in some prominent municipality, why not -. Since imagination is free, some voices are carried away by science fiction and predict that if Torres is minister (or whatever, in Madrid) he would resurrect the idea of an agreement between CC and PSOE in the regional Government. It won't happen. However, it is in the story of what life would be like with Ángel Víctor gone, perhaps because those who say it believe it, perhaps because that consequence has been fed—returning to the Government, the former senior socialist officials—to encourage the troops. in the event that the chief of the tribe packs his bags.
Although it seems like nothing is moving, in the ranks of the PSOE they hold their breath and walk on tiptoe, but any appearance of stillness does not correspond to reality. Pedro told him he would call him, they say. They do not specify more. Nor less. Enough. That is enough to confirm that there is an desire for the phone to ring.