With these elections not only ends a legislature. It can also mean the end of a literary genre. Because anti-Sanchismo went from being a political strategy to becoming a worldview a long time ago. And win or lose Sánchez, the anti-Sanchismo could come to an end on 23-J. As Sánchez has to leave Moncloa, he will leave the left devastated, but not only. Poor orphans of anti-sanchismo. They too would suffer a huge void. The consummation of all revenge drags the resentment of bitterness in the hole left by hatred.
It could also be, it still could be, that Sánchez stays in Moncloa. Or because the right does not add up to the extreme right or because the left wins with the support of the independentistas. But the end of anti-Sanchism could also occur if Sánchez wins. At the very least, it should be dismissed as an electoral argument if it is shown to be useless. This campaign there have hardly been any proposals that clarify to voters what the parties are going to do to fix the country's problems. It is not that the Interrail and the tickets to the cinema of the last campaign were going to fix much, but they have even been missed. In recent weeks almost everything has revolved around sanchismo and anti-sanchismo in the most self-referential campaign in history.
If it were a meteorological phenomenon, anti-sanchismo would be the fog. The one that allows the perfect excuse for each other to cover what is necessary and avoid giving explanations. To the Government of Sánchez, the idea of a victim of anti-Sanchismo has armed the entire campaign. Very opportune to not recognize the errors of the legislature that have distanced him from part of his electorate. And for the PP, anti-Sanchism has been the main campaign argument to the point of saving it from defending a country project, as well as the excuse to justify any pact with Vox that it needs.
A good part of the voters who will go to vote on Sunday are convinced that the biggest problem this country has is Sánchez. Not unemployment, inflation or corruption. Not even politicians in general. Only one: Sanchez. They give the figure of the president a superpower only at the height of the great supervillains. So, if Sánchez is defeated on Sunday, they will feel the relief of their life. The question is whether they know what to do the day after the sanchismo is repealed or they will already believe that everything is settled.
But a good part of the voters who are going to vote on 23-J will do so for Sánchez, convinced that his big problem has not been his mistakes but his anti-Sanchism. As if the embezzlement reform, the repeal of sedition and the pacts he made betraying his word had not angered a good part of his 2019 voters.
However, if Sánchez won the elections, or even losing them, he managed to remain in the Government, anti-Sanchismo would also be very affected.. A lot. After all, he would have been defeated by La Pija and La Quinqui. Attendance at this youth podcast is considered within the PSOE one of the great successes of the campaign, which says a lot about how the campaign has been. So erratic for the PSOE that he began betting on doing a tandem with Vice President Calviño and cornering Yolanda Díaz, to end up on the back of the pink convertible in a successful meme in which Barbie is the leader of Sumar and Sánchez “it's only Ken”. Perhaps it will convince some undecided, who knows which way. These are strange times in which Barbie has become a feminist icon and Perro Sanxe has ended up being a socialist slogan.
#DebateFinalRTVE #YolandaManda #YolandaPresidenta pic.twitter.com/wCt3hjz8DG
—William Zapata. (@gzapatamadrid) July 19, 2023
In the previous day of reflection, just a couple of months ago, we asked ourselves here if the day of reflection made sense after a campaign with so few proposals. So the question was whether it would be good for democracy if we reflected on what we had seen done in the previous campaign. On this occasion we will have to reflect, above all, on the proposals that we have not seen because of how much anti-Sanchismo bulges.