Podemos skips Sumar and opens its own way to "negotiate with the PSOE" the investiture outside of Yolanda Díaz

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

Podemos is committed to opening its own channel of dialogue with the PSOE to “negotiate” the investiture of Pedro Sánchez apart from the one Sumar has underway. The purple party ignores the channel established by Yolanda Díaz and has sent this Tuesday to the socialists a document with measures that it considers necessary to be in the government program of the legislature. In addition to those announced on Saturday by Ione Belarra, such as Irene Montero repeating as Minister of Equality, the text throws up other new proposals.

The Podemos movement, bypassing Sumar, now places the ball in the court of the PSOE, which is the one who must decide whether to deepen the dialogue with the purple party or if, on the contrary, it simply takes note of what Belarra demands. Purple sources trust that this dialogue will be assumed.

It will not be for Podemos, as he stressed this Tuesday that “he will negotiate with the PSOE” the investiture. ” Podemos is going to exercise its autonomy in this legislature,” the leader Javier Sánchez Serna has determinedly stressed, in a press conference in Congress. It so happens that Sumar has appointed a negotiating team headed by Nacho Álvarez, who has a Podemos card and is part of its national leadership.. Although in this case he is acting in obedience to Yolanda Díaz and the coalition of parties.

However, Podemos refuses to be left out. And that is why the purple leadership has taken the initiative by sending to the PSOE and “the partners of the plurinational majority”, among them Sumar, a document that contains the measures that it highlights as necessary for there to be a government with a “transformative pulse”, ” “ambitious” and “brave”, and not one of “process”. The text has been sent to Sumar at the same time as it was sent to the PSOE, ERC or EH Bildu, among others.

The text contains the proposals that Belarra announced on Saturday: that Irene Montero repeat as Minister of Equality; repeal the gag law and renew the CGPJ; raise the minimum wage to 1,500 euros; lower the cost of living with a reduction in public transport and a cap on business margins; and freezing rents throughout the legislature.

And there are other new ones or that go deeper into that.. It includes reducing public transport passes by 80% (compared to the 50% still in force), establishing “exemplary sanctions” for companies that increase the price without justification on products with reduced VAT; make the current eight-week leave paid for parents who have children under 8 years old; and increase minimum and contributory pensions by 20%.

Despite the movement, Podemos dispels doubts that its vote in the investiture is at stake and rejects that it could vote against if these “proposals” are not accepted.. “No, Podemos is not going to be the one to prevent the coalition government,” said Sánchez Serna, who elaborates that the question is whether we want to form a “brave” government.