Podemos starts the negotiation with Sumar weakened: Díaz's partners "ask to assert" their latest results

The countdown has started and the last second falls on June 9 at 11:59 p.m.. That is the deadline to register the coalition that brings together the alternative left to the PSOE and the race up to that moment promises strong emotions. Because up to 15 parties have to put aside the quarrels and agree to instill voters and enthusiasm for the candidacy that Yolanda Díaz will lead for the July 23 elections.
Sumar starts the negotiations with the aim of joining forces, in the energetic and political sense of the word, at a time when the left is still shocked by the global blow received in the regional and municipal elections. Nobody can be happy, but there are some who are better than others. We can face the negotiations naked after 28-M. “We are the worst political force in this electoral result,” Pablo Iglesias acknowledged on Monday. The party is at a minimum: it went from 47 regional deputies to 14 and was left out of the parliaments of Madrid, the Valencian Community, the Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha and Cantabria.
These data, added to the fact that the IU has achieved many more councilors than Podemos, places the purple formation in a position of extreme weakness, when precisely within the political space most of the parties are questioning what the weight of the ministers should be Belarra and Montero in that shared future. In addition, without primaries in sight -Iglesias assumes that they are “impossible” due to deadlines-, Podemos has run out of weapons to force others to accept that it continues to play a leading role. The negotiation will be a thing of the “plumbers” of the organizations.
new equilibria
In this regard, the parties called to go under the Sumar umbrella claim to distribute power and the electoral lists, mainly taking into account the recent result of the polls, and that the new balances “represent” the drawing that came out of the elections. That scenario would leave Podemos shivering.
some figures. Más Madrid -the only party on the left that rose on 28-M- achieved 615,000 votes in an autonomy, compared to a Podemos that in the computation of 12 obtained only 498,000 votes despite appearing in 10 of them in coalition with IU , which logically inflated those results. Those of Alberto Garzón alone achieved another 60,000 votes in Asturias and Aragón -14,000 more than the purple ones in those regions.
On the other hand, and also related to Aragón, the force with the most votes in the space close to Díaz was Chunta Aragonesista, which is negotiating its inclusion in Sumar, with 33,400 votes and three seats.. Podemos had 26,000 and one deputy.
The case of the Valencian Community is also very symbolic of the purple disaster. Compromís won almost 350,000 ballots. It is four times more than the alliance of Podemos and IU, which was stamped at the polls with only 85,600 votes, which meant staying out of the Cortes.
The rest of the territorial parties such as Catalunya en Comú, by Ada Colau, or Batzarre in Navarra were in league with Podemos, so it is impossible to measure the impact on votes. However, it can be done in Andalusia, where the enormous force that Izquierda Unida possesses emerges in the most populated region of Spain.. As reported by the Efe agency, IU won 800 councilors against the 25 councilors of Podemos. The paradox is that then these two parties have a very unequal representation in the Andalusian Parliament, the result of the 2022 candidacy. IU has one seat while the purple ones, three. Now, facing the negotiations for the generals, IU aspires to have a really important role in the lists that are presented in Andalusia.
Negotiations have already started. Díaz has registered a new party called Movimiento Sumar with an “instrumental” vocation to legally sign the coalition, but also with the aspiration of “grouping” everyone inside. IU is involved and Greens Equo and Compromís, too. The doubt remains in Podemos.