PP and PRC reach an agreement in principle to make Buruaga president of Cantabria

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

The PP and the PRC have reached an agreement in principle on Tuesday to invest the popular candidate María José Saénz de Buruaga as president of Cantabria at the head of a government alone, without Vox in the Executive.

The negotiating commissions of the two parties have agreed on a document in which they will continue working to close “some fringes”, with the aim of reaching an agreement in the coming days.

This progress in the negotiations has occurred after the PRC has eliminated a block of conditions included in the draft document approved by the party executive last Thursday.

Specifically, it is the sixth block included in the regionalist proposal that had to do with a series of specific policies “to guarantee growth, employment, social benefits and quality basic services” and that the PP rejected because it understood that they were “Government” issues and not for an investiture.

This has been commented to the journalists after this second meeting in Parliament, which lasted about 45 minutes, the regional secretary of the PP, María José González Revuelta, and the secretary of Organization of the PRC, Paula Fernández.

According to the PP, the meeting returned to the initial approach of the two party leaders, the regionalist Miguel Ángel Revilla and María José Saénz de Buruaga, after the electoral victory of the popular, who won 15 seats in the regional Chamber, three fewer than those needed for an absolute majority. That approach, recalled González Revuelta, was “an investiture agreement and not a legislature”, as he believes could be understood from the document that the PRC sent last week and that his party rejected.

As Paula Fernández has highlighted, the first premise for the PRC to abstain from Buruaga's investiture continues to be to leave Vox out of the regional government