PSOE and Sumar focus the end of the campaign on denigrating Feijóo: "ultra", "liar" and "cynical"

Yolanda Díaz: “I know Feijóo. He's a compulsive liar.”. Félix Bolaños: “If we remove Feijóo's cloak of lies, it comes to nothing. lie mercilessly”. Five days before the general elections, the coalition government raises its tone and comes out in a storm against the PP candidate, whom all the polls, except the CIS barometer led by José Félix Tezanos, show as the winner of 23-J.
The leader of Sumar and second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, has accused Feijóo of “making politics an art of lying”, as, according to her, she has been doing in Galicia for years – “she is used to” – before giving the jump to the leadership of the PP. “Yesterday we saw live and direct a candidate for the presidency who lies without shame,” Díaz criticized during an interview on RNE. “I have friends who vote for the PP who were embarrassed yesterday, they don't want us to lie,” she said. “We do not know of a political proposal for Mr. Feijóo.”
Almost at the same time, and on the microphones of another station, Onda Cero, the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, also charged against Feijóo in front of the journalist Carlos Alsina. “It is a clamor that lies without moving a muscle on his face, we saw it yesterday on TVE,” he said.
[General elections 23-J: last minute on 23-J]
Feijóo, “ultra-right”
Both Bolaños and Díaz refer to the interview that the popular candidate gave yesterday to the La Hora de La 1 program on Spanish Television, where he said that the PP had always raised pensions according to the CPI and insisted on it when the presenter, Silvia Intxaurrondo, accused him of giving false information and asked him to rectify. Then Feijóo qualified his statements by pointing out that “the PP raised pensions every year” without linking that rise to inflation.
Feijóo himself has admitted this Tuesday that during his appearance on TVE he committed “an inaccuracy” about pensions and the CPI, although he has defended that he did not lie in the debate, contrary to what Pedro Sánchez does in his opinion. “I have accepted the inaccuracy immediately because I do not like lies to be installed in Spanish politics (…) and if I say something that is not correct it is not the result of a lie, but of inaccuracy, and also I rectify it because I think it is good,” he argued in an interview with Espejo Público on Antena 3.
For Díaz, Feijóo's “inaccuracy” on TVE marks a before and after in the electoral campaign. a turning point. In Bolaños's opinion, Feijóo has been “lying” for weeks, also in the face-to-face with Sánchez, where the PP leader, in his opinion, “smeared everything with merciless lies”. For the minister, PP and Vox “are the same” because Feijóo “has gone far to the right” by “using far-right techniques”, that is, “lies, hoaxes, like what he said about voting by mail.”
“They embrace the right where they govern, reducing women's rights,” Bolaños criticized, something that does not happen in other European countries, he added. “Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen do not meet with the extreme right because they are a threat to democracy.”
Likewise, Bolaños has despised the “new Moncloa pacts” that Feijóo proposes to seal in the new legislature that opens after 23-J. “In addition to lying, Feijóo cultivates cynicism”, he has asserted, since from the Government of Pedro Sánchez “we proposed 11 pacts and he did not accept any”. “To that document”, in reference to the agreements that Feijóo wants to promote, “I give the same value as to his word: none.”
Bolaños' cheer for 23-J
Asked about the polls, which give victory to the PP, Bolaños wanted to downplay the importance because “they are still predictions”. “In the last 30 years, the demographic consensus has almost never been right,” he lamented. “The polls have had an error of 20 seats, always against the PSOE, estimating the PSOE below,” he complained.
Despite what the polls say, the head of the Presidency has been convinced that the PSOE will win the elections and has even dared to cheer on the results. According to his forecast, the PSOE will win the elections and obtain between 135 and 150 seats, while the PP will remain with between 115 and 120 deputies.
“It is what they deserve and what we deserve,” Bolaños has resolved, who has denounced the polls, because “they do not stop being predictions” and, in his opinion, in the last 30 years, they have given an error of more than 25 seats, “almost always against the Socialist Party.”