Puigdemont claims the unilateral declaration of independence and threatens to apply it after being amnestied

Carles Puigdemont once again warns Pedro Sánchez that he will not renounce unilateralism to consummate secession when he is amnestied. The former president of the Generalitat has today claimed as valid the unilateral declaration of independence that he proclaimed in Parliament six years ago and has threatened to apply it in the future.

“The Parliament proclaimed the independence of Catalonia based on the results of the referendum of October 1 and, we have not resigned, nor will we ever resign,” said the fugitive from Justice.

Then the order came. “We keep it alive for when the independence movement as a whole knows how to come together in a single strategy,” Puigdemont has warned, making it clear that his objective is to achieve independence by any means, that is, both through holding a referendum agreed with the Government, as well as through other unilateral action such as the one that took place with 1-O.

Puigdemont thus embraces a maximalist position only surpassed by the ANC proposal, which defends applying the unilateral declaration of independence immediately after the amnesty has been approved and the Government has assumed by law that 1-O or the actions derived from it constituted a crime.

Although ERC prefers to agree on a secessionist vote with Sánchez's eventual Executive, it also avoids completely ruling out the unilateral route, out of conviction and in order not to lose sight of the ever more ambitious demands of Junts.. Without going any further, yesterday the Republicans conveyed to the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, the need for the preamble of the amnesty law to explicitly state that 1-O was not a crime.. It is after the decriminalization of the referendum that the Supreme Court ruled as illegal that Puigdemont considers it viable to resurrect the unilateral declaration of independence as the State has assumed that nothing that happened in the fall of 2017 is judicially prosecutable.

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