"Feijóo is injured and is going for everything"

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro

There are decades in which nothing happens and weeks in which decades pass, says a phrase from Lenin that could well serve Alberto Núñez Feijóo these days.. The leader of the Popular Party, 62 years old, four elections to the Parliament of Galicia, four absolute majorities, is risking his career and prestige, as well as the present and future of the PP.

In the conservative formation they are aware that both the demonstration against the amnesty that took place on Sunday, which left a clear feeling of support, and the investiture speech, Tuesday at 12:00, in which he will present his idea of Spain and government program, represent a turning point for the popular.

Feijóo is at stake a lot at a time when the meat grinder has been activated again, fanned by those who want to repeat the Casado operation in that short-term game that Spanish politics has become. Those who question the current leadership and begin to sneak the names of Ayuso and Moreno Bonilla under the door are doing the party a disservice, at a time when it is not appropriate.

The only way we see to reach Moncloa is by leveraging Madrid (16 seats on 23-J) and Andalusia (25 seats), and not by removing their territorial leaders from the places where they govern and where they have consolidated their respective positions. leaderships, which would be worse than undressing a saint. It would be straight up suicide.

The atmosphere that is perceived is just the opposite. Aware of the moment they are going through and the possibility that some and others will be scalded if they enter the game of thrones in which they want to embark them, the popular ones have spoken out in defense of their leader. Your explicit support will be seen in the investiture debate.

Especially because the main unknown that loomed over the figure of Feijóo, that is, whether he would be willing to cross the desert and stay in the opposition after the unconsummated investiture, has been resolved.. “He goes for everything. Don't have the slightest doubt,” they confess in their team.. Hurt to his pride, they say, he is not willing to end his career with a blot like that of 23-J, and even less so if it comes out of Pedro Sánchez's inkwell..

More than a speech, what happened this Tuesday should be the guidelines of a political plan that, as of today, has yet to be defined, and with which voters can identify.. To do this, you will be able to wield one of the most powerful weapons, that of principles and values..

At a time when radical relativism and the increasingly widespread idea that the end justifies the means prevail, the vindication of morality seems essential to get out of the toxic spiral in which the country is trapped.. This starting point, Feijóo understands, is the only way to break with the mental frameworks that have been imposed on us and to show that there is a centrality in which a majority of Spaniards place themselves..

Another of the challenges of the PP will be to prepare for a new stage that requires urgent redirection and reorganization, since the possibility of generals is there.. Feijóo's strategy, consisting of giving absolute autonomy to the barons in their decision-making, has become unsuccessful, especially in the pacts with Vox. Communication and command in the square are needed. Nor has the structure of Génova 13, with Feijóo taking refuge in his Galician inner circle and dealing in a tight manner with his deputy secretaries, been efficient..

And then we will have to remove the elephant from the room. Once and for all, the Popular Party has to make a decision regarding Abascal so that voters know what to expect. The cut is the cortijo, wrote José Antonio Zarzalejos. Either they accept and make them visible as necessary partners of the government, as in Extremadura or Murcia, or they explicitly reject the possibility of including them in a future Executive..

“There is a part of the electorate that is greater in number, especially among young people and women, who are more afraid of Vox than of Bildu, and that is something that we have not been able to see,” says an autonomous councilor.. “Many young people do not know who Miguel Ángel Blanco or Bildu is, or what ETA did, while Vox is present in our daily lives.. We all have children who are friends of homosexual or transgender kids who are horrified by Vox's speech, or we know women whose ideology could be located in the center-right, but when they hear how they despise gender violence, they feel attacked.. “Life is going the other way”.

Aside from one's own errors, of which there are many, there is the conviction that the culprit of the mobilization on the left in the last two weeks of the 23-J campaign was the real possibility of having Abascal as vice president of the Government. His statements a few days before, predicting that tensions would return to Catalonia if Vox entered the future Executive, made a hole in the aspirations of a PP (six seats compared to the 19 of the PSOE) that will also have to redefine its strategy in this community.

Given the possibility that there is no agreement between the PSOE and Junts on the amnesty, or that Sánchez prefers to press the red button for the electoral repetition because he believes it is convenient for him, Feijóo must clarify as soon as possible what his relationship is with Vox. You will hardly find a better occasion than this Tuesday in Congress.

Otherwise, there is an increasingly widespread fear in the party leadership that they could get a worse result than 23-J. The PP needs those two million votes from the center-left, which sometimes votes for them and sometimes doesn't, and which are the ones that can make Feijóo president without having to depend on Abascal's formation. “And those who believe that it is impossible are wrong, just as they were wrong in Andalusia,” says the counselor..