Rajoy believes that the amnesty would be "a death blow to democracy" and accuses Sánchez of lying about dejudicialization

“The amnesty is something crazy, an amendment to the entirety of Spanish democracy. “It is a fraud and it is absolutely immoral, because we will be saying that everything that Spanish democracy did was poorly done and illegitimate.”. This is how Mariano Rajoy has summarized his position on the hypothetical amnesty for the crimes of the process.
In an interview with Cope, the former president of the Government has harshly stressed that the amnesty would mean the bankruptcy of Spanish democracy. “It is a coup de grace to the Constitution and our own democracy,” he stressed.
“It is a torpedo on the waterline of Spanish democracy. We are at a very decisive moment in the history of Spain, because we are being told that our laws are illegitimate, and that would mean the law of the strongest. We must do everything permitted by law to prevent this amnesty from being carried out,” Rajoy continued.
In his opinion, if an amnesty occurs, we will be faced with a very negative message: “That there are politicians who go unpunished and can do whatever they deem appropriate.”. “It is an attack on everything, including the equality of Spaniards.”. That is why he believes that there should be a State pact between the PSOE and the PP to avoid it.
Furthermore, he has assured that Pedro Sánchez never spoke to him about not having to judicialize the Catalan crisis, nor did he say the word “dejudicialize” to him.. Nor did he show concern about the judicial approach: “He didn't tell me anything”. Therefore, he believes that the acting president is lying when he says that he was always in favor of the political path without “judicialization.”
Asked about the reform of the Congress Regulations so that the full use of co-official languages is established, the former president of the PP considered that it is “a joke to the people.”
Borja Sémper, this Thursday, from the court of the Congress of Deputies. “Very interesting”
After that, he veiledly charged against Borja Sémper, PP deputy: “Some even say that they have to translate themselves as they go; that is, they speak in their language and then they speak in everyone's language.”. It's something absurd, come on.” What did you think of that speech with phrases in Basque? “I certainly would have spoken in Spanish,” said Rajoy, who later added that the PP's position “is also that of Mr. Sémper.” .
Upon entering the plenary session of Congress, Alberto Núñez Feijóo assured that he “yes” liked Sémper's speech, which was highly criticized privately by his own colleagues on the bench. And the joint act of Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra? “Very interesting,” he said.