Sánchez attacks Feijóo in Huesca while leaving his chair empty with the leaders of LATAM in the EU

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has stood up to the 33 Latin American leaders who traveled to Brussels for the summit between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and with whom he was going to hold a gala dinner. He has done it to attend a party rally in Huesca in which he has attacked Alberto Núñez Feijóo.
The socialist candidate has taken advantage of the mistake that Feijóo had this Monday in an interview on TVE, in which he assured that the PP had always voted in favor of revaluing pensions according to the CPI. That statement is not true, although Feijóo has insisted on it on several occasions during the interview, and he had to correct it later on Twitter, although by then his scuffle with the journalist Silvia Intxaurrondo had already gone viral.
“He does not tell the truth or the doctor,” said Sánchez in Huesca. “The truth is that the PP and Vox have systematically voted against revaluing pensions,” he added, recalling that Feijóo went to the European Commission to say that the last reform addressed by the Government was “an error.”
[Sánchez plants Latin American leaders at the Brussels dinner for a rally in Huesca]
“Not a single vote can remain at home so that the lies of the PP with Vox lose [the elections],” the president insisted. “On 23-J we have to choose between those who have been working day and night to protect the people and those who, for four years, the only thing they have done is destroy, destroy and destroy,” he added.
In a similar line, the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, has pronounced. He has attacked Feijóo and has said that “by lying and hiding he is hiding even his sailor friends from us,” he added, referring to the photograph of Feijóo on a yacht with the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado in 1995.
Brussels, Huesca, San Sebastian
The rally this Monday has been practically improvised. In fact, it was announced this Sunday together with the one that Sánchez will give tomorrow in San Sebastián. To go to him, the president had to travel from Brussels, a city to which he will return this Tuesday to follow the summit, and from which he will later leave for the Basque city.
It is a coming and going that aims to get some deputies in provinces where the Socialists see that there are seats in dispute. According to his calculations, there are deputies who will decide on 23-J by a handful of votes, and they are reinforcing their presence in those provinces, calling impromptu rallies by Sánchez to try to make the currency fall in their favor.
[Sánchez returns to the rallies to fight the most disputed seats and will start with Cantabria]
The importance that Sánchez attaches to events such as the one in Huesca can be seen in the fact that he decided to stand up to the leaders of LATAM at the gala dinner that took place in the Belgian capital at 7:00 p.m., and to which he had announced that he would attend , until he canceled it because of the rally, which was held at 8:00 p.m.
Sánchez had prepared the summit between the European Union and CELAC as one of the most important events of the Spanish presidency of the Council. It had been eight years since such a summit had been held and the objective is for both blocs to meet again and for Spain to claim itself as a bridge between Europe and Latin America.
In fact, on her last visit to Madrid, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that there were “many things at stake” in this summit and pointed to Spain as a fundamental actor to strengthen relations between the two shores. of the Atlantic.
In Moncloa they try to minimize the impact of Sánchez's decision. Although it is held during the Spanish presidency, the direction of that summit corresponds to the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, who is the host of the gala dinner.
“We have been working for more than a year. I will be present at all the formal acts. And in the informal ones, all the leaders fully understand that we are five days away from the general elections and that, therefore, I am going to make this extra effort to go to Huesca, to return at dawn and tomorrow to be here again with all the Latin American and European leaders”, Sánchez had justified himself this Monday when he reached the summit.