Sánchez avoids talking about Bildu at his first campaign rally and focuses on ripping off the local vote
The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has landed almost directly from Washington in Seville, after his meeting with Joe Biden at the White House, to start the electoral campaign on May 28. And he has done it especially smiling, boasting of his international profile, but without saying a word regarding Bildu's lists for 28-M, which include 44 convicted ETA members.
Not even the words from Getafe of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, calling it “indecent” that “he agrees with them, that he governs with them and submits the future of Spain to them”, have made him react.
Sánchez declared on Friday from the White House that “it is legal but it is not decent” , and it seems, at least for now, that they will be his last words on the matter.. He did take the opportunity to mock Feijóo's lapses in an ironic tone: “I already tell you that he is going to end up asking for the vote for the PSOE.”
[Núñez Feijóo replies to the president: “The indecent thing is that you, Sánchez, agree and govern with Bildu”]
The election of the Palace of Congresses (Fibes) of Seville to start the campaign on May 28 is not trivial. It is the most populous city in the hands of the PSOE and in the last regional elections the PP and the president of the Junta, Juanma Moreno, won for the first time.
The PSOE is on alert because its loss may even condition its future as a party after the loss of what was its Andalusian stronghold for almost 37 years. Hence the maximum support for its mayor and candidate, Antonio Muñoz, and that Sánchez has focused the shot in this act on ripping off the local vote, the vote of the people of Seville.
First of all, noting that he had spoken about Seville in his meeting with Joe Biden. “The name of the city of Seville appeared because one of the main agreements we reached was to reinforce our agreement from NASA with the new Space Agency located in Seville”, Sánchez assured to the applause of the attendees.
Also because the Government signed with the US that Spain join the artemis project for exploration and the arrival of astronauts on the Moon and Mars.
[Sánchez accepts Biden's “resettlement plan” on migration but according to “the labor market”]
At that moment he alluded to the mayor, who had just claimed the capital law for Seville from the Junta de Andalucía and even from Sánchez, ironically, the Spanish capital. “Dear Antonio, from Seville to Mars, passing through the Moon. So you've fallen short with the capital thing.”
But in addition, Sánchez wanted to convey to the people of Seville in this act the “resounding commitment” of his government to this city. You have attended one of the few events in the Andalusian capital in which the president has spoken one by one of the State projects with Seville: 20.2 million for the works on line 3 of the metro, the connection with Santa Justa, the closure of the SE-40 ring road and the construction of 2,500 public houses throughout the province.
“We will complete the closure of that SE-40 and these are commitments, not announcements, like the one on the AP-4, which you have already seen how we raised the toll between Seville and Cádiz,” said Sánchez.
He also referred to the social achievements of the Government such as the increase in pensions, the SMI and the maintenance of social peace. “We are doing awesome things”. For this reason, he has asked for the vote to “continue advancing” and “not return to that dark Spain of the year 2013 of the cuts.”
He also criticized that the right “has been announcing an apocalypse that never comes” and what it contributes, given its “lack of arguments”, is “insults, discrimination and wanting to end social progress”. That is why he has no doubt that on May 28 the PSOE will be the first political force.
“Seville, Seville and only Seville”
The presence of the President of the Government in Seville can be a double-edged sword for Antonio Muñoz. On the one hand, he feels support on the first day of the campaign, but on the other, his wear and tear may detract from him.. Hence, in his speech, which preceded Sánchez, he was more in a local tone, insisting on his campaign slogan: “Seville, Seville and only Seville.”
However, she took out the PSOE flag to talk about feminism and historical memory, taking out Queipo de Llano and the Pico Reja grave, which provoked a standing ovation from the 2,800 militants who filled the pavilion.
“Welcome to the most seductive city in the world, which is Seville. Or, as Juan Peña el Lebrijano used to say, 'what Seville gives you, no one takes away from you'”, assured the mayor of Seville at the start of the rally.
[Sánchez pampers Seville so as not to lose the mayoralty: Space Agency, Metro, rank of large capital…]
Muñoz took advantage of the event to appeal to the public to “fill” the PSOE ballot boxes that allow him to revalidate his position and allow Seville to “continue like a shot” and not fall into “paralysis”.
The interventions of Sánchez and Muñoz were preceded by those of the mayoress of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Ana Isabel Jiménez, who opened the event; followed by the Provincial General Secretary of the PSOE, Javier Fernández, who ended by stressing that the PSOE “is only useful if it serves to change people's lives.”
After him, the general secretary of the PSOE, Juan Espadas, toured the achievements of Seville's socialist mayors to highlight that it is the only party that “has transformed this city.”
He ended his speech by criticizing the popular candidate, José Luis Sanz: “We do not want sad people to remind us of a gray past, but rather people with a smile and prepared. We want Antonio Muñoz”. Also, to Juanma Moreno.
It is “a shame” that during his term he has spent more “in institutional propaganda than in hydraulic investments, specifically more than 25% more than what was invested in water, and this issue is not to be played with.”
However, the President of the Government did not spend even a minute of his speech to talk about the problem of drought, which is hitting Andalusia especially.
The right to be forgotten oncology
Sánchez wore a golden bow on his shirt because he had previously held a meeting with associations fighting cancer. At this meeting, and he said it again immediately, he transferred the Executive's commitment to implement the right to be forgotten in June.
[Sánchez promises a legal reform to implement the right to be forgotten oncology in June]
The objective is that the fact that a person has had cancer is not taken into account when hiring some services, such as insurance or mortgage loans.