Sánchez focuses the PSOE campaign on the economy to combat the PP: "The taboo is broken, we manage better than the right"

In Toledo, on the banks of the Tagus, there was a lot of interest in demonstrating that Pedro Sánchez is welcome in that city and also in Castilla-La Mancha, after the disagreements between the regional president, Emiliano García-Page, and the president of the Government , and that Page was not in the Castilian-La Mancha capital today because he is in Brussels. “Pedro Sánchez, welcome to your house, it is always a pleasure, an honor with you”, was the welcome from Álvaro Gutiérrez, provincial secretary of the PSOE. applause. “I always feel proud to receive the President of the Government,” said Milagros Tolón, mayoress of the city.. More applause.

Sánchez arrived calibrating wrong. forgot sunglasses. And the sun did not give truce. The president explained what his intention will be in this electoral campaign for the municipal and regional elections of 28-M: play in the economic field. That both he and his candidates exhibit and expose the measures promoted by the Executive: the ERTE, the labor reform, the increases in the minimum wage, the revaluation of pensions to the CPI, the European funds…

“There is a crisis, of course there is,” said Sánchez, referring to the consequences derived from the war in Ukraine. “But there are different ways to respond to the crisis. There is a Government that revalues pensions according to the CPI, which balances the Social Security accounts, we reconstruct the Pact of Toledo. There is no government that freezes pensions as the PP did when it ruled. We are a government that defends the interest of the majority and defends the interest of a minority from above”.

The purpose of the chief executive in this campaign is to brandish the economy and the data as an argument against the PP. “This is not about healers or televangelists or the apocalypse that the right wing prophesies when it is in opposition. It is about a government that defends what the majority thinks. The taboo is being broken, we manage the economy better than the right. We defend the general interest and not the particular interest of those above”, reflected Sánchez, who has resorted to some fillers that are already common in the Socialists to discredit the management of the PP: “The economic miracle of the PP is in jail”; or “We have left behind the neoliberal model of response to a financial crisis to turn housing into the fifth pillar of the welfare state.”

In his speech, Sánchez has made a portrait of the Spanish right. This is how the President of the Government has defined it: “Isolated in Europe, entrenched in its arrogance and only with climate denialism and anti-Europeanism as allies of Vox's ultra-right”. “That is the Spanish right that we have in our country.”

Likewise, he has reminded the PP “that they have no legitimacy to carry off a treasure such as Doñana” and has demanded that they “rectify and get out of their castling of arrogance and pride, that they listen to science and comply with European legality and throw back the abuse of a paradise like Doñana”.

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