Scorpions live under stones

Appealing to the governability of the State as an excuse to seek support “even under the rocks” is a way of covering up the poverty of Sánchez and his surroundings.. Nobody denies the right and duty to forge parliamentary majorities. The price is discussed and the danger is warned, because scorpions live under stones and their stingers can be deadly.. Faced with this risk, there are no reasoned answers, but rather tangents and canned speeches that serve in a nursery school, not in a mature society..
The warnings against a surrender of the State in the face of declared enemies of the State, as a price to pay for Sánchez's continuity in power, continue to sound urgent in public opinion, institutions and a good part of the socialist family.. But, instead of deactivating them with consistent reasoning, they exchange their poor argument for the Sun Tzu doctrine: the best defense is a good attack..
Namely: Guerra is a sexist, The PP calls a demonstration because it is desperate, Felipe is a “dinosaur”, the PP is wasting our time, Feijóo recognizes himself in the opposition (tomorrow, mass bath in Madrid) before knowing If Congress supports him as future president of the Government, Felipe also changed his mind. Whatever it takes, in order to divert attention without addressing the underlying accusation: governance of the State in the hands of those who want to destroy it..
The last preventive softener of an amnesty for the 2017 coup plotters that the PSOE always considered “anti-constitutional” is that the political conflict in Catalonia should never have been judicialized. It is not explained what the Judiciary has to do when political motivation generates criminal behavior. Not words, not ideas, no matter how subversive they may be..
The problem is the facts. Hitler also turned the hunt for Jews and communists into state doctrine.. The excessiveness of the comparison does not abolish the alibi. The motivational principle is the same. Politics can never be an excuse for inhuman conduct, as in the case of the Nazis, nor only for criminal conduct, such as that contemplated in the Penal Code in a democracy.. And even less so when appeals to political motivation are sudden, occasional, ad hoc.. In this case, demanded overnight by Sánchez's state of need, or a “political urgency”, as Aitor Esteban says.
Between politics and the judiciary, in the wake of the 2017 coup storm in Catalonia, I only remember the former magistrate Martín Pallín and the constitutionalist Javier Pérez Royo preaching in the desert against the use of the Penal Code to confront the Catalan conflict, while the PSOE supported 155 and Pedro Sánchez described what happened as a “rebellion”, established the doctrine that “no one is above the law” and, already on the eve of the 2019 elections, committed to bringing Puigdemont back to Spain to be held accountable. before the Spanish justice.
Why this sudden fall from the horse?
Well, to the mischief of the electoral count on July 23 that put Sánchez's political future in the hands of the Waterloo fugitive. The rest is taking us for idiots and clinging to the values of a century-old party that is the yeast of Spain and has always passionately defended the freedom and equality of all Spaniards.
And the risk comes from exposing oneself to suffering the sting of the scorpion that lives under the stones where Sánchez seeks votes to continue in Moncloa. It only bites if they invade its space. It's in your nature. He can't help it, like in the fable of the frog who at a bad time offered to carry him across the river.