Special notice from Aemet due to intense heat: this is how abnormal temperatures will rise in Spain

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro
  • The summer of San Miguel is going to be an oven, according to Aemet: the data on heat, rain and reservoirs that explain it
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Fall has arrived, but temperatures continue to rise. This is not something strange, it is repeated almost every year and is called the veranillo de San Miguel or the veranillo del quince, since it coincides with the harvest of this fruit, when autumn presents summer-like weather.. However, the rise in thermometers is more notable than usual in this period due to the presence of a stationary anticyclone throughout the country..

As indicated by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), “the strong sunshine and subsidence (downward movement) associated with highly stable conditions are causing a general increase in temperatures, with values that are already higher than normal. at this time of year.”.

The rise in temperatures will be especially significant from Thursday, September 28, when the maximum temperatures will reach 30-32 °C in much of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, increasing to 32-34 °C in the Ebro valley and quadrant. southwest peninsula and even at 36 °C in the Guadalquivir valley. In Seville and Córdoba it will seem that the calendar goes back to August instead of going into autumn. And all this in a situation of high atmospheric stability with slightly cloudy skies and no mixing of air masses, which guarantees an almost total absence of precipitation..

Reservoirs to the limit

On Friday the 29th, the situation could intensify in a large part of the country when a small low in height, coming from tropical latitudes, will move to the west of the Canary Islands and the Peninsula, inducing the entry of a mass of warm and dry air, with probable haze. , of Saharan origin. Maximum temperatures will reach 32-34 °C, quite generally in the interior of the peninsula.

These values will be greatly exceeded in the Guadalquivir valley, where 36-38 °C will be reached.. And how long will the heat last? Experts indicate that until the first days of October. Starting on Tuesday the 3rd, a thermal cooling could be recorded starting in the northwest, but we will have to wait to know for sure..

This whole situation occurs while the reserves of dammed water at the national level continue to decline, despite the abundant rains recorded on the Atlantic slope and points of the Mediterranean, which left considerable rainfall days ago in very localized points.. According to the most recent data provided by the hydrographic confederations, the reserves of our reservoirs have dropped again by a quarter of a point this week to stand at 36.53%, 13 points below the average of the last decade for this time of year. anus.

The situation is becoming especially serious in Andalusia, where the level of the reservoirs in the Guadalquivir basin has fallen again to 18.4% of their capacity, well below the average of the last decade for the same dates. (46.7%) and even worse than last year, considered very dry, when in the same week they were at 20.5%. The Guadiana reservoirs are at 23.8% when they should be at 47.5%.