Sports journalist Fernando Llamas dies at 63

The Sports Press Association of Madrid announced this Wednesday the death of sports journalist Fernando Llamas, 63, who in his last stage belonged to the Unidad Editorial staff, after a long professional career and passing through the newsrooms of Marca, As, El Sol, El Independiente and the newspaper Ya.

Fernando Llamas, always versatile in all newsrooms, stood out during his more than 30 years in the profession for his extensive knowledge of cycling, athletics or motoring, and his personal empathy, which helped him win the affection of his colleagues in the sector..

“Fernando was a journalist who managed two essential elements of this profession: mental acuity and his openness to the changes that were taking place in it.. Fernando Acha, his colleague at El Mundo, defined him on his LinkedIn profile as an experienced journalist with a solid background, which makes him a rarity.. These qualities, together with an open mind, allow him to adapt to any work environment, always with excellent results..

“Another of his qualities is his temperance. In the 10 years that we worked together, I don't remember a single occasion in which I saw him lose his temper,” underlines the APDM, chaired by José Damián González. The mortal remains of Fernando Llamas are in the Las Rozas funeral home (Madrid). For his part, Julián Redondo, president of the Spanish Sports Press Association, colleague and friend of Fernando Llamas, highlighted in an article in El Mundo that “Lleims, for friends, was an all-rounder, and very good people. And independent “.

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