Sumar's ruling on the amnesty opens a new rift between Podemos and Yolanda Díaz

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

The differences between Podemos and the Sumar platform, to which they belong, are increasingly evident. The opinion that allegedly supports the viability and constitutionality of a possible amnesty law, commissioned by Yolanda Díaz to a group of jurists and that Sumar has already sent to the leader of Junts, the fugitive Carles Puigdemont, does not link the purple formation that it claims ignore an initiative that, they say, “is only Yolanda Díaz's.”

This is what Podemos spokesperson, Isa Serra, said when asked by the press before participating with the acting Minister of Social Rights and general secretary of the purple party, Ione Belarra, in a meeting with activists in Madrid.

The distance between Podemos and Sumar is increasing and the differences between the two main figures of the purple formation, the still ministers, Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, and the also still second vice president and head of the Labor portfolio, Yolanda Díaz, They are already displayed on both sides as irrecoverable.

Díaz, in his capacity as leader of Sumar, keeps those he previously considered colleagues completely away from the decision-making core.. The second vice president, in fact, has broken ties with the main leaders of Podemos, the party that, under the leadership of Pablo Iglesias, brought her to power by getting her a preferred seat in the coalition government.

Serra has stressed that Podemos does not feel concerned by the ruling sponsored by Díaz because they do not know it and has insisted that the purple ones continue to focus on the design of proposals designed to “continue advancing in social rights.”

The Podemos spokesperson cites in this sense: the lowering of public transport, the cap on rental prices, the repeal of the so-called Gag law or the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, lowering the parliamentary majorities to achieve it.

For now, Podemos has sent both the PSOE and Sumar its proposals, which include the demand that Irene Montero repeat in a foreseeable coalition Government at the head of the Ministry of Equality. A request that seems destined to fall on deaf ears, since socialist lines have already warned that they are reserving that portfolio for themselves in a new stage.