It is possible to reach the greatest abjection. It is achieved when someone calls a Jew a Nazi. This expletive is the epitome of anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic propaganda in which certain ideological sectors militate – not only on the left –, comfortably installed in the European and North American mildness.. These sectors try to locate the best argumentative alibi to attack the right of the State of Israel to defend itself – although not all Israelis are Jews – and to, by comparing them with their Hitlerite exterminators, create a thick consciousness of inverse guilt on them.. But the historical reality is different.. The most cruel and obscene pogroms in the 20th century have been suffered by the Jews and, yes, also by the Palestinians, but not at the hands of them but of their Arab brothers in the region..
The massacre of Jews on October 7 is considered the largest and most cruel since the execution of the final solution by the Nazis. Although, long before the Holocaust and the creation of the State of Israel, in 1929, the Palestinians already staged a sadly remembered pogrom in the city of Hebron, incited by Al-Husayni, grand mufti of Jerusalem and ally of Adolf Hitler.. The wars in Israel (the intifadas and limited war clashes from the beginning of this century until 2021 are different) have been waged with the Arab States of the region, which have culpably and hypocritically used the Palestinians as cannon fodder. and, as is now happening in the Gaza Strip, also as human shields.
In fact, the Arabs—Jordanians and Lebanese—have been the protagonists of massacres of Palestinians.. The first, in September 1970, when King Hussein of Jordan devastated the Palestinian communities in his country due to the risk that they would destabilize his kingdom.. The second dates back to September 1982 in the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, in Lebanon.. The Lebanese Maronites put the Palestinians to death in an action of unspeakable revenge. This episode is so embarrassing that anti-Jewish propaganda has already attributed inaction to Israeli troops to prevent collective crime, shifting that responsibility to Israel.. One way or another, Jews are always guilty. Thus they fulfill the universal role of scapegoat for the omissions, indifference, selfishness and fanaticism of Arab countries and many Western countries..
What is happening in the Gaza Strip leaves no one indifferent. Nor to the Jews themselves, who keep in mind the famous and heartfelt phrase of the former Prime Minister of Israel between 1969 and 1974, Golda Meir (1898-1978): “I can forgive them for killing our children, but I cannot forgive them for killing us.” force them to kill their own”. This expression contains all the frustration, all the anguish and all the determination of a people who have been permanently harassed for centuries..
Months before the Hamas terrorist attack, thousands of permits were being processed for Gazans to cross the border and be able to work in Israel. The supplies and transportation of inputs were normal and touring the vicinity of the territory allowed us to observe, as in the West Bank, a clear improvement in the living conditions of the Palestinians, thousands and thousands of them employed in Israel.. Many Israelis, including our friend Enrique, an Argentine Jew, have lived for many years in the vicinity of Gaza and until the Hamas attack they have done so with reasonable security.. On Sunday, October 8, we contacted him. His response—the last one, we haven't heard from him again—was brief and very much his style: “This is getting ugly, very ugly.”.
The control of these territories of Gaza and the West Bank by the Palestinians is absolute. In the months of April and May of this year, on a trip to Israel traveling from north to south, it was not possible to enter several cities, for example, Jericho or Ramallah.. Neither Jews nor visitors could do it.. Bethlehem is under such Palestinian command—which also controls the Church of the Nativity there, as well as the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem—that Jewish guides cannot accompany foreigners who want to see the city.. And more information: the community of Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem – with some of whose representatives I had the opportunity to speak – is already a small minority crushed by their Muslim compatriots..
Hamas knew that its attacks would provoke Israel's reaction (as Juan Soto Ivars has written, there is no possible proportionality in the response, as there has not been in the previous terrorist intrusion) and it discounted that this same reaction would serve to victimize and defend itself. of the counterattack with the human barricade of the Palestinians of the Strip, who have been ordered not to evacuate the northern area. No country so far has offered truly effective measures to rescue the Palestinians.. The territory has a southern border with Egypt of more than 13 kilometers and a coastline of more than 45. The blatantly cruel behavior of Hamas (and Hezbollah) towards the inhabitants of Gaza is in sympathy with the instrumentalization of some States in the region that have armed the terrorist organization and that sacrifice without lifting a finger the Palestinians to make it fall on them. Israel all the blame for its fate. They are those States that seek the annihilation of Israel, but would never consent to a Palestinian State.
We must not fail to remind the Government of Israel that it has the inescapable obligation to respect international treaties and preserve the lives of the Palestinians as much as necessary, without giving up their permanent comprehensive defense.. But to an even greater extent, Arab countries must also stop being, by action or omission, executioners of the Palestinian people, whom they treat as a pariah and subaltern community.. Finally, progressivism on both sides of the Atlantic has been served with the critical reflection (“The moral insensitivity of the left”) signed by 73 Israeli writers, sociologists, journalists, historians and political scientists, published last Tuesday in the newspaper El País. This is how the text ended: “We urge our counterparts on the left to return to a politics based on humanist and universal principles, taking a clear stance against the abuse of human rights of any kind and help us in the fight to break the cycle of violence and destruction”.