The 'Sumar left' points to Housing for the future Government with Sánchez

The purple sector of Sumar is not hidden. His intention to achieve competences in Housing matters in a future government formation is clear. And it is that despite a notable loss of power in the different autonomous communities, parties that made up Unidas Podemos form two of the three governments that the PSOE presides over or will preside over: Asturias, with the socialist Adrián Barbón, and Navarra, also with the socialist María chivite. In fact, the only council that Izquierda Unida occupies in the Asturian government is that of Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Citizen Rights, led by Ovidio Zapico. In the Navarrese executive, Contigo-Zurekin will not only have the powers in Housing, Equality, Migration Policies and Youth, as announced yesterday, but will also adopt a rank of vice presidency.

After the formation led by Yolanda Díaz signed Alejandra Jacinto, a regional deputy for Podemos Madrid, as Housing spokesperson last June, a very similar position was adopted with respect to the one held by Unidas Podemos on this issue.. The most significant proposals that Sumar launched in his electoral program for 23-J were direct intervention in the real estate market to establish reference prices in stressed areas, giving public housing land a greater role with the help of Sareb or the creation of a tax for empty houses. All these measures had already been launched previously by Podemos in the face of 28-M in its program.

It should be noted that before being part of the political scene, Jacinto was a member of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgage. Just like Ada Colau. An association focused on the protection of those people who have been affected by a “very high” bank mortgage, as they state on their website.


Last April, Díaz declared that the Housing Law “converts, for the first time, housing into law”. The approval of her formation, despite not controlling the competent ministry at the legislative level, hinted that the acting second vice president wants to have significant control over Housing, a function that she could delegate to the Podemos sector of the coalition. In this sense, Jacinto herself, in an interview with EL MUNDO in May, declared that “the Housing Law would not have been possible without United We Can in Moncloa.”

Although the claims collide with the reality that concerns a future formation of Government. Currently, and also in office, the portfolio that has this competence belongs to Raquel Sánchez, from the PSOE. Likewise, the socialist force controls the Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. Although if Sánchez wants to reissue his mandate, the distribution of portfolios could be more varied than in the last legislature. As Díaz already said after the general elections, the acting president of the Government will have to let “each political formation do its job”, something that “Sumar is already doing”. In other words, petitions independent of the line that they draw from Ferraz, which can range, for example, from the use of Catalan and Basque in Parliament to the de-judicialization to resemble their results to an amnesty for the fugitive president Carles Puigdemont.

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